was gibts da neues?
- The player now loses only a very small amount of faction reputation when he kills all witnesses to his crime.
- Partially loaded state of Talmberg during “Epilogue” fixed.
- Robard stuck in the ground during “Epilogue” fixed.
- “Rattled” quest in Sasau can now be started even after finishing “All that Glisters”.
- Several long faders before cutscenes fixed.
- Player couldn’t run from several quest fights in “A Needle in a Haystack”. It is now possible to do so.
- NPCs can get very dirty and bloody again.
- Misleading objective logs during “A Needle in a Haystack” fixed and/or improved.
- Executioner Hermann is no longer in Rattay faction, which should solve many inappropriate reputation losses concerning Rattay.
- “Tis But a Scratch” achievement fixed. Anyone who has already finished the game and hasn’t received the achievement can just load the save game before “The End” and finish the game by talking to Hans Capon.