Patch PC 1.3.4 becomes=>1.4 (out now/PC)(discuss release)

Hope it’s the cool new stuff Vavra mentioned would come with patch 1.4 and not cashgrab 2.0

Please don’t hoist another $60 unpolished turd on us while the original turd still needs polish.

Problem is how games teams are working, they have zillions good 3d artist (assets are great) / designers, assets where already done, so they probably tried to utilize them -> make some dlcs, problem is that for dlc you need coders too and coders are problem of this game.

My advice is assign all resources to testing and bug fixing - who had not skills for that for simple tech support to email/communicate with users.

Otherwise they would now only creating new flood of bugs.

I’ll happily buy any additional DLC that adds content to the game. I love this game so much and despite a terrible amount of bugs and issues I see it coming into the clear - I am glad to see them continually supported.

So is the patch supposed to be out today for real (USA)?


Today? I doubt it. It’s not loaded into the back-end of steam, and their test engine is still running 1.3.4. I think we will be lucky to see it this week…probably more likely it will be next week.

Same here! If only I played KCD for the same amount of time I’d have beaten it already :stuck_out_tongue:

mm O.o mm Did someone say DLC?

even with twice the amount and severity of bugs, this game still projectile defecates all over the likes of assassins creed, far cry, grand theft auto, etc. unfortunately the resident buffoons still can’t add 2 plus 2 and realize the bugs are a direct result of the increased complexity of this game compared to the rest, and will see any bug as some kind of game breaker. if people want a completely bug free game they can go play tetris or the latest simpleminded far cry installment. but of course they won’t. just goes to show kcd owns their soul, as it should.


So is today The Day?

I hope so but prob friday considering the last 2 patches came out on friday as well


Thanks for posting. Had figured it would launch for this weekend (lots of gamers having time to play).

They aint gonna risk the complaints. Seems like some people would run with themes like ‘break more than they fix’.
Glad to see the efforts being put in…

What is one more rare bug, when lots of them would be fixed… Its on PC, console release could wait on fix.

Their test machine just updated. :smiley:

Also, finally got news on 1.4. Should be coming next week.

Post on Reddit deleted. Direct link to video:

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Im hoping on new wild life, Raise in Level Cap for all Skills to 30. Hoping for Stronger weapons and better looking stealth gear and armor. I also hope to be able to grow a full beard and long hair (Pony Tail)

Baldurs Gate (considered one of the better RPGs of all time- though very ‘rule’ heavy), only had a very low level cap/experience limit.
Official expansions, and a sequel extended the level cap on it… but the game relied somewhat heavily on users replaying what they had, and definately had nothing on KCDs first two acts… (story line differences aside).

It does show how much expectations change in twenty years.
Its patches did give multiplayer support (very limited and vastly bettered in Baldurs Gate 2), and was a clever thing- not officially sold to us or mentioned on the box, and hence the company could get away with not supporting multiplayer (use at own risk).

I do think they are great things to want… but at less than two months in- maybe having too high expectations on what a patch should constitute is setting ourselves up for disappointment.

My personal take would be character level extensions would be vastly better handled via expansions that would up the content and possibly offer some ‘high level’ areas.
Otherwise game balancing becomes near impossible at this stage, and I would rather have a fantastic journey albeit a few less hours than some poorly conceived or implemented (rushed?) game changes.

At this point based on what happened prior to release- reimplementation of features and refinement/improvement of what we have would be super.


1.4 is now up on the backend! And test machine is updated. :slight_smile:

Sorry but does it Mean its now live for pc or am i being stupid?

It means they’re done building it, and now they’re testing it. If all goes well, then they push it live.

In other words, light at the end of the tunnel, should be happening in a few days.

Notice there’s an audio update. Question - anyone feel the sounds sometimes don’t come from the right direction? Sometimes, I swear the enemy NPCs are sh*t talking to me from the side or slightly behind but they’re actually ~5m or so in front of me.

Patch 1.4 for PC is coming tonight says Vavra

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