Its probably windows Game Mode (if not a game settings change that frquently occurs when switching between fullscreen and borderless).
Game Mode is forced by windows and changes up things like whether software runs fullscreen or borderless. (It strangely chooses borderless when it affects performance considerably worse)…
Made my Darksouls game no longer run in 21:9 with that same ‘batch of updates’ it appears.
Game Mode has NEVER shown benefits (in a real world scenario for a gamer).
The concept was first used by Playground Games after Turn 10 had access to scorpio hardware. It was used to cripple performance on their PC/Xbox title so that the PC version ran poorly vs the xbox versions requirements.
Using Game Mode mcketsoft xan force which cores a game prioritises and has access to.
Game Mode in theory could be a great thing but is used by Microshaft in extremely anti consumer practices.
KCD is a major target by nature of existing on Scorpio and PC and being a rare title that benefits from crazy raw performance.
Game Moding the PC version to share primary core for rendering with the OS could easily cripple framerate and make the console look ‘superpowered’.
Thats the idea anyway.
We need a linux version of KCD to force Mickeysoft to play nice…