PC build for max graphics and fps?

So I’ve normally played on console during the last 6 years and would like to start playing on pc again.

I am wondering if anyone could help me with a build for a desk top.
I would like to be aboe to play the following games on max or ultra setting with the us of mods for some games.

KDC - may use graphic, lush and lighting mods in future.

Skyrim - graphic mods lush overhauls and lighting.

Civilization 6
Star craft 2
Diablo 3
Vikings - wolves of midgard
Asassains creed 1-3
Fallout 4 - again graphix mods texture lighting and and so on.

Thanks really hope to get some good info here.

Thanks in advance.

Not looking to break the bank as well.

Hey Stolek,

What your asking for is going to break the bank unfortunately :frowning: your looking at atleast £800 for very highish gfx£1400 for ultra and that would be an amd build.

because of the rise in crypto currency gfx cards have nearly doubled lol