Performance EVEN WORSE after patch

As title says. Now i get a loading screen every time i start a dialogue.
Simply unplayable. Wasn’t happening before patch.

Maybe you can tell at least which Platform you’re playing on

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How long a loading screen? I’d imagine everyone will. But mine is only about 1 second, if that. I’m using an ssd and have 16gb ram too so I guess it will depend on your system? Are you running it on console?

Im plying on pc.

I have a 1080gtx
16gb ram
and an i6 cpu.

The loading screen can last 60 seconds, too.

you dont have a SSD?
it would be much faster

I do, but it’s only 100GB so i only use it for system files. And by the waay, this never occurred before today’s patch.

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BTW how can I move the game from C (system ssd) to D (hard disk) ?

You can do it via steam. There are guides on internet

Will I need to download it once more ?

Nope, but it still will take time to move the game from one folder to another. Obviously, the bigger the game, the longer the time it takes

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Steam Mover failed when trying to remove the directory. But I managed to do it with Unlocker. And I created the Junction and it works fine … on my D :
Thanks for the advice.