I have a decent rig and when I’m in cpu heavy areas like Rattay and other city’s I experience stutters. My fps on lowest (sliders at 0)is in Rattay like 130/150fps and on ultra 35/60fps(sliders at 100). With the settings, low and ultra, my cpu usage stays the same (between 50 and 90% all 8 threads). That doesn’t seem right?
I tried to give the game priority, tried all the graphics settings, I tried without cpu OC, user.cfg with all sorts of cpu and gpu settings, nvidia control panel settings, different saves/playlines, usage limiters, removing profiles folder, steam verify game files, mods (and removing mods I use (all the pretty horses and remove HUD)) and more but nothing seem to help.
My specs:
I7 7700k 4.9 ghz watercooled (max temp while playing kcd is 60°c)
16gb ddr4 2400mhz
asus strix 1080 8gb (11 gbps version) PCIe x16 3.0 (also like 55°c)
installed on a 500gb 970 evo ssd m.2 (not getting warmer as 50°c)
1000w psu
1920x1080 60hz
I hope someone can give me a tip or a solution Thanks in advance.