Physical copy, steam unpacking

Hello, I inserted the disk1 in my pc, and steam started unpacking. not downloading. But this is at a very slow speed. And the “Unpacking” is ±30 GB. Somebody who has this same problem ? Is this the day one patch that is downloading? Do I have to do anything else with the other disks ?

Please , some explanation is needed.


Edit: Steam is telling me it is “Creating local game files” And “Prepairing files to install” for over 2 hours now. and nothing has changed

Unpacking usually takes as long as downloading the actual game so be patient. Maybe even longer. If you have SSD hard drive it will be faster.

only if you have a really good internet but for the majority of us plebs the download is a painful long lasting experience and the unzip is not different

I downloaded the game in 30 minutes and unpacking will probably take longer than that. It was mistkae to download

I do have a SSD, its not that I am not willing to wait 3 hours, it is that im not sure the game is doing anything right now. The disk isnt spinning either.

Disk won’t do anything I think. If you added the code to steam it wont do anything.

so if you have redeemed the steam code, the disks are useless? And steam is just taking over the whole installation.

yeah so is this right , because it defeats the idea of having the discs… so I now have to wait for steam to download the whole fkn thing again and well the discs with all the info on it are just mug coasters now …WTF

And apparently steam unpacks the disk on the C:/ drive no matter what drive you selected when asked where to install it, without notifying you of it. Which leads me in the middle of unpacking files, which I started 3 hours ago, with a full C drive, I have to restart the whole download and im still not able to play… This is the whole reason why I opted for the physical copies, to stay far way from shit like this. 3 Hours later, 20gb Data has been downloaded, and I have to start from scratch…

Tho I can’T instal from teh disc, I had no problem installing it to my Steeam folder on disc I choosed. But maybe it’s because I haven’t allowed steam to instal it to C: lib hmm. :slight_smile:
Now after 31GB it is preparing the game for another ~hour, not sure if its the real unpacking, or downloading the next patch (prob this). It’s a shame that the 31GB weren’T on the disc and then the patch for updating it, but it looks like there will be another delay of the install after the day1 patch (1.02) which I hope it is the one that is downloading as an update (the ~1hour game prepare).
My exp

They way I started this is by inserting disk 1 --> Steam pops up --> Has been “Unpacking” 31GB (I don’t know what unpacking process is the same speed as your internet connection aka, its just downloading something). Now my C: drive is full and have to start over. --> Trying it without disk right now. I am lucky if I am playing this game before midnight …

Edit: I never told steam, or the game, to install on the C drive bc I knew it was almost full.

Edit2: for all of you still struggling. Do yourself a favor and just download the game through steam without the disks.

Yeah using discs is useless.
It will start downloading the game anyway (then you can get message error after its downloaded and you will lost all the filed and need to download it again because some error with grouping the files with the disc’s or smtg like that I saw)

Download the 31GB, wait another ~1hr for patching and then it will be ready. Just did that.