Playable female characters!

yet some people buy cars with less options because they do the few options they have better than the other cars which have all the options.

besides, this isn’t a car, or some blockbuster movie, or bioware’s next lgbtq radical feminist friendly game.

trying to appeal to everyone destroys creativity and originality.


I…wow. I said a WWI game from THEIR point of view, meaning what Warhorse’s country did in the war. I never said RPG of it.

Vávra stated in a couple of interviews that his primary idea was to make a grand game at the time of the Hussite Wars.

I do honestly believe that KCD is the testing ground. If it works, we will get much grander game with totally different budget and number of developers working on it that will take place during the Hussite Wars.

After all, the Hussites were the ones that really got reformation started. By the time Luther came to prominence, 90% of people in the Czech lands were of reformed denomination with huge cultural impact all over Europe. Unfortunately, catholics spent 300 years working hard not only to exterminate the reformed churches in the Czech lands, but also any mention of them from history.

Which explains why I’ve never even heard of the Hussite Wars till now. Got to love the Church, huh?
Here is everything you need to know about Hussite Wars :smiley: It’s funny, but it’s authentic!

I’m honestly very disappointed in this as well. While this project was basically like a wet dream come true, I feel like it is a terrible mistake to exclude the option for having a playable female character. The game is beautiful. There’s so many different options for how to progress in it. For men, you can take on the roll of your character and feel like you are part of the story. This is your tale. But as a female, I can appreciate the story and certainly enjoy playing the game to an extent but I can’t reach that level of immersion. As opposed to feeling as though I am writing a book, I am instead reading someone else’s story.

I understand the opposition to having a female playable character as well. Ultimately, I really want to support and enjoy this game but it’s a big deal breaker to me as immersion is important to me in a game like this. I don’t know what the right choice is, but I do know that I regret this design decision immensely.

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do you think tomb raider should have a male character option named larry croft?

and do you think the attempted rape scenes would look a little out of place?

same reason here.

also, female protagonist in medieval storyline limits storyline and gameplay options, end of story. don’t blame designers, blame history.


I don’t exactly agree with this. There WERE women who bucked the “natural order” of things throughout the Middle Ages, and England even admitted women into the Order of the Garter in their own right from the order’s inception (until Henry VIII suspended the practice a century later).

The problem, as I noted above, is that while the gameplay and storyline may not be changed all that much, playing a female character in Henry’s role would be like playing an entirely different game, because it would completely change how every NPC would interact with her. She would face varying degrees of hostility and would struggle to be taken seriously by most everyone (INCLUDING by other women), and there probably be a LOT of “Dude, Where’s My Respect?” for completing quests.


The middle ages Catholic interpretation of the above mentioned biblical verses was quite extensive. Women did play important part of the Czech pre-catholic society, and they rose to prominence during reformation, just a decade after the game takes place.

But in 1403 Bohemia, which was chosen due to its appealing history concerning king-brothers and civil war, no woman could get anywhere near the story that Vávra has so far mentioned he prepared for Jindřich.

Then you’ve missed out on tons of great games. Women fighting in the middle ages was not common it was pretty rare so the main female character will not be playable on the main story line.

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In a genuine Medieval Environment it would certainly be interesting to play as a female although it would likely not be enjoyable

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Depends on your definition of “enjoyable” Some people might like the added challenge it would bring.

Not going to happen guys complaining about it wont make Henry into Henretta. If you want to play a female character then go make your own game.

lets all agree to disagree, imo whats the big deal if they do allow more character choices esp gender, u still get to play a male avatar if u wish let others play what they want does it destroy your game FFS its a single player game.

all i am saying is more choices equate to more backers, hence more $$$, but sadly this game has reached its max potential to attract more funding…

my 2 cents

Not if the main theme is HISTORICALLY ACCURATE and the choices are a complete nonsense from the historic perspective.


its historically accurate, if u play a male, for others they have an option, isnt this the same as real life u do have choices u dont have to follow the main stream…

as i said its a single player game, lmao u play the way, having a choice does this destroy your game or your life???

@whizkid As I already pointed out: If they were to create an option for a female character, it would require an ENTIRELY different set of dialogue and NPC reactions for EVERY SINGLE NPC if you wanted any sort of immersion when playing a female character and avoid the Copy-and-Paste Modern PC Sensibilities that plagues fantasy games like DragonAge. Because people WOULD react differently to a woman. Even TODAY in our Political Correctness Run Wild modern world, people aren’t gender-blind, and react to a woman differently than they would a man.

While I disagree that a woman would be IMPOSSIBLE to depict doing the things Henry will be doing (there are plenty of historical examples putting the lie to that fact so long as you remember they were the EXCEPTION, not the rule), I would much rather see one deep and immersive storyline and experience than to have two half-assed ones that wreck suspension of disbelief just to shoehorn in a female character.

So please, do tell us about the exceptional historical examples from 1390-1410 Bohemia.

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@Ambaryerno, lets agree to disagree, all I am saying is to provide an alternative character i.e. a female char for those players that want to play a female, with min changes to the storyline just changing all dialogs from he to she, this is to cater to players that want a female char, and I repeat FFS this is a single player game, u play the way u want, let others have their fun is it that HARD for u to understand…

i am not asking for the developers to create another storyline for the female char just provide an option to play one…

i think the world WOULD be a better place if everyone has respect for another person’s views wouldnt u agree???

No, I don’t have a specific Bohemian example. But it takes all of five minutes of Google time to find examples elsewhere in Europe during this exact same time period.

@whizkid You’re completely ignoring my point. You CAN’T just exchange a couple pronouns and call it a day. Not if you’re wanting to create a personal, realistic, and immersive experience of the sort Warhorse is presenting. That just leads to the same generic, shallow, one-size-fits-all story-telling RPGs have been hamstrung with since at LEAST Baldur’s Gate.