Playable female characters

to a very small degree, again, have the danish been involved in the type of fighting the us and british forces have in the past 20 years?

and by the time nato allies went inside bosnia, they’ve had a primarily peace keeping function where the threat is nearly nonexistent. it’s also the same reason why woman are allowed to operate in a combat function in helicopters and planes. the threat level is much lower.

nothing you brought up even remotely challenges my argument, in fact, it supports it by example of armored vehicle operators.

Until the Dayton Agreement in november 1995 there was no peace to keep… Until then it was pretty dangerous work to be there… sure not as bad as fighting a “real” war, but UN troops still got killed. (167)
The reason I mentioned the tank, is simply that it was the first time danish female soldiers got into a fight.

Denmark had a battalion with the British in the Basra area in Iraq and in Afghanistan we have a battalion in Helmann province fighting side by side with the British. So yes, since 9/11 we bin involved.
Females make up about 10% of the personal in the army.
Sure they are more common in communication and transportation functions, but they are also present in the infantry, combat engineers and medics… the people who walk the patrols… dodging IEDs and fighting the Taliban.
And when you do a Per capita comparison had the same number of casualties in Afghanistan as the UK and US.
(7-7½ KIA pr million of population)

Clearly you have decided that females is not suited for warfare and nothing Iam going to write will change you mind.
But we have females in all functions and it have not bin a problem during the war Afghanistan.

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Since we are talking modern issues I am not against women serving in the military as long as they have to maintain the same physical standards as men. At the moment in the British military women’s physical standards are much lower than for men, if women are allowed into the infantry I don’t want to end up with a hole shot in me and a group of women unable to drag my fat arse to safety.

I continue to support Warhorses prerogative to choose their protagonist’s gender; male, female, or player defined.

doesn’t matter. women are treated different, more valuable. it’s an evolutionary antecedent due to their biological function as birth givers and physiological differences. and there is no denying the objective differences in psychology and brain activity.

as for women infantry participating in frontline duty, that’s simply not true. it never happened. unless their service convoy or patrol was ambushed, they are not allowed in frontline duty. the only women soldier serving either in direct or indirect frontline aciton would be vehicle operators. planes, helicopters, armored vehicles, etc.

Do you even read what Iam writing?

Yes, in the US army or UK army females are not allowed in the infantry.(or other units that work directly on the frontlines) That is not the case in Denmark, Norway and a few other countries.
" Denmark opened all functions and units in the armed forces to women in 1988 after trials conducted in combat arms in 1985 and 1987. Danish and Norwegian servicewomen serve or have served in almost all operational functions in the armed forces, except for the para-rangers and marine commandos, since to date no woman has met entry requirements."

This is not a World of Warcraft. This has a storyline, designed for male character. It’s impossible to just add female. In WoW, it does not matter, gender only affects skin, because everyone does the same and every quest has only one way to be competed, and there are just few quests in collision, like opposite fraction sides (Aldor, Scryers).

Here each quest will somehow affect the whole game, so for a female character, you basically need the whole game. Yes, you can use the same world, system, models, but you need every quest to be edited (re created), dialogues, nodes and trees of those quests, some can never be completed as a female, etc, and the storyline would probably be completly different.

And then comes the point you need to have ending of Act I compatible with beginning of Act II. Imagine both female versions, and you are screwed. You cannot just swap female for male and dialogues from “he” to “she”. It would not make sense.

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the amount of feminists going crazy is unbearable, games have gender orientated plots. Just because you have your panties in a knot from plots crumpled and foiled for character customization doesn’t mean every game will be that way :smile: such is life
ps im a guy and play as a girl oftain so I don’t have to look at a guy constantly. if a game chooses for me to be a guy so be it, I know it will be awesome then. ( prey every Zelda game ever)

Didn’t the Soviets field women in infantry battalions in WW2?

Balla. :0/

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flak gunners, drivers, pilots, and snipers. again, mostly support or ranged roles

You did get female archers, I am part of a WOTR Fed group and I can only go on the battle feild as a archer when in female clothing.

If I want to fight, full combat, I have to hide the fact I am a woman so that full armour and a hidden face… and even then that is only allowed at some Fed evens, some just don’t it at all even in male clothing. There have been very very rare occassions did women pick up armour and sword to fight. The one occasion I have read of it was in deffence of their homes, when thier army had lost the battle.

I will look through my history books again and post up the place/date.

As far as playing female character, I agree with those who say they want it to be a ‘harder’ gaming exsperience. Yes women where belittled but, the history books are filled with women who used that to thier advantage. It;d be especially good when playing a assasin style charater i.e. ’ I am just a weak willed woman how could I have the knowledge/superor intellegence to think of a such a plan.’ ect.

Playing a female should have both advantages and disadvantages in game.


I liked the difference gender made when playing Fallout New Vegas and entering Ceasers camp, made me whanna slaughter the whole lot of them even more so than when playing as a man. Only wished they’d take it one step further and made wearing slave clothing like wearing any other faction orientated clothing (e.g NCR), i.e it affected how they treated you.

In short would love it if this was realistic in NPCS attitues towards gender rolls, obviously there would have to be some flexability otherwise it would just not be fun at all.

Ahh got to love Talhoffer for that one.

I agree completely with you on this… Did everyone here forget that this is a fiction game that is, dare I say, loosely based on history? I’m a lady gamer and I really could careless about whether there is a female character option to play; my willing suspension of disbelief will not be hindered by gender choice. It would be fun to play a female story line though! Like maybe she is of noble birth and was bit of a tom in that she would watch knights practice and do it on her own… Kinda like Arya Stark and her story would coincide with the male’s… So on and so forth. Just a suggestion though!


I do agree that in this game a playable female charater, can not simply be ‘pasted’ over a role designed for a male charater if it would mean mass changes/work load.

I disagree with those saying the femenists are getting their pantys in a twists, it’s not entirly unreasonable, especially in a game that prides it’s self on reality and historical accuaracy, to want to have a playable female charater who has her own quests and thus have a big impact on game play/story all be it stealthly and from the shadows, rather than a full on Joan of Arc styled charater.

As I said before women used their gender and societys view to thier advantage, especially those in high positions in society.


You could glue one on. :wink: I have know of a few female re-enactors who go full out in trying to look like a man, i.e. fake stubble.

Yeah, they had quite a lot of successful women snipers, led by Lyudmila Pavlichenko (309 kills).
The position of women changed in times and places and it should be acknowledged.

None of this matters for the subject of topic though. The arguments based on modern times, or certain cultures different from the country the story is set are irrelevant (for both sides of the argument).

It shall be the bonus for the 600 000+ pounds backing in kickstarter. A female line of quests in addition to the main part of story.


You could introduce a female character and still be accurate historically. I’m wondering how many cases there have been of women pretending to be men. I personally can play a male or female and not mind, but it might be interesting to add that option later.

Ay I know, I just hope they can make them have some sort of impact story wise, and as with the main male charater the playable female charater could be ‘heroin’ or a villan. She could work to help or hinder the main male charaters progress.

Playing as a man doesn’t bother me so far, but to experience the game in certain situations from a different perspective to give the event a little more depth, I would support- no question.

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