Playable female characters

Very nice 213! Point well taken. Thanks for the morning laugh :laughing:

Who says those who want female characters want chain mail bikinis? Or pretty long haired medieval Barbies? Not one single person here asked for that. They all asked for a sort of Brienne of Tarth or a woman posing as a man. Which is more likely than all the curvy, pretty (not pregnant) full-cleavage-showing peasant women from the trailer who still have all their teeth. The average adult person in that time had 7 rotten teeth. Just saying.

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The average adult person in that time had 7 rotten teeth

And now you should back that statement up with a source

But nice drawing.
There you go :sunny: I did speak hyperbolic, mea culpa.
They developed rotten teeth less often (due to lack of carbohydrates) but if they had rotten teeth -> no dentists. Also periodontal disease -> no cure. No teeth brushing. Honey was thought to be good for curing rotten teeth. shrugs Just pointing out that the only overly-pretty females are the ones already in the game. Not those that ppl ask for :slight_smile:

I will reply in PM so we don’t end up with a debate about dental vare.

You should consider the technical work that would need to be done in that case, too. I doubt a woman would fit in at all with the story they are meaning to tell, and were they somehow to work that in, they would need to double the amount of dialouge and what not to ensure all the characters would respond accordingly to a woman in such an orthodox role.

It just doesn’t work.

Well, First let me say some of the best characters I’ve played as have been Female. Samus Aran (not counting Other M), Nariko from Heavenly Blade, Faith from Mirrors Edge, I have a terrible memory so please don’t take this list being short as a bad sign, but what made these characters great was that they fit the game.They were an integral part of the universe and their role, their existence in this universe made sense both for the story, the game play, and just the game itself.

Shoe horning in a female playable character for Kingom Come I just don’t see having that great feel that would make it worth while, but it would take away development time that could be spent refining the story, working on dialog, adding and tweaking features, and other development stuff. Not a worthwhile trade off IMO.

The game is written around a male character though, there are plenty of games you can play female characters, or, of course, choose the gender.

I just want to point out, that asking for a female protagonist to play here is kinda like saying this: “I demand the choice to play a male in Tomb Raider!”


I think this was more pointed at the main character, meaning your character, who were a mute with a blank face expression throughout most of the game. :stuck_out_tongue: And that world is fairly gender neutral, unlike our medieval world.

I’ve been reading this thread silently and thought I would let you know there are many female players and backers. I pledged myself and my daughter to back this game. I just don’t like to let loose on the forums too much, though I do like reading them.

Also my daughter heard about the game a long time ago but was not interested when she heard there were no female options. Now with the update she wants to play again. I hope the next time the devs break down who donated, they also mention gender. Then we can see who is backing. Also my favorite girly RPG is Skyrim. Its like a dollhouse with a sword.

Doesn’t really matter in the end. If you cannot choose the gender choose another game :slight_smile: In Tomb Raider you cannot choose male either. Same with mentioned Mirror’s edge, or Beyond Good and Evil. If the story is around male so be it. This won’t be sandboxy as Warband.

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Isn’t it important to promote the idea that it doesn’t matter what the protagonist’s gender is. Why doesn’t your daughter want to play as a male? Men holding those views are regarded as sexist.


It would be interesting to have the choice, but stall
 I definitelly will be playing as a male.

I support the idea of playing as a female character. I’m a woman myself and prefer to customize characters according to what I look like. Can’t grow a beard you know ^^


The problem at the end of the day is realism they are trying to make a story as realistic as possible with realistic pieces, i can imagine how they are going to put in a female sub protag alongside the main blacksmiths-son but i wouldn’t imagine a female character would be able to do much.

If they had a main story for her i imagine at the most she would only be able to become a spy role as fighter and bard (possibly) don’t suit the time for a female to be acting as, you have to see the fact times where far different than they are now and a female being able to masquerade as a soldier would be quite hard, im not saying it would be impossible but would be hard.

In most single player games the protagonist is male. She gets tired of not having more choices. So the games where she can create and customize her character tend to be the games she will play consistently. I also like playing female but if the game looks good, not having the choice won’t stop me from trying it out.

You have Jan Ziska, a hussite leader on your avatar if I am not mistaken. Many women fought in hussite armies. Among Hussites, the women were considered much more equal to the men. They were part of battle order, they could read or interpret bible (wich was quite a big deal at that time).
Alegedly Enea Silvio Piccolomini said “Every czech women knows bible better than italian priest”.

I am not questioning main character here, which should be man (more natural towards the concept of the game). But I am quite open to parts played for believable woman character.

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I would totally have to disagree. Yes theres possibly some truth to men being the primary weapon handlers, smiths, etc. But looking down in history theres probably thousands of stories left untold about what amazing glorious things done by the ladies. Back then it was probably considered inappropriate to write glory or accomplishments by ladies and there deeds done, which is why stories on them are hard to find unless they were wicken or evil in there eyes in some way. This game should be made playable by both sexes, my wife will be pissed if she has to be a man lol.


just like how i’m sure so many women soldiers are never mentioned in the news about frontline action. why no female soldiers mentioned in the battle of fallujah, right? clearly it had nothing to do with the fact that maybe they’re not allowed in those roles and are usually protected or away from the frontlines.

women are treated as a liability in combat today, and obviously to an even greater degree hundreds of years ago.

i’d say the accounts of female warriors is actually greatly exaggerated just as people today sometimes embellish details because they need something interesting.

joan or arc is a prime example. never involved in fighting, yet today people constantly portray her as being in the thick of the battle.

What you mean is: “The US army and British army still discriminate against women

The (small) danish armed forces have allowed females in all functions since 1988.
In 93-94 a few served in the danish Leopard tanks in Bosnia, During the last 7 years they fought in the Greenzone in Afghanistan

Sure the average female is not as physical strong as the average male. But an army of professional soldiers is not made up of average persons
 As long as the army only makes up a tiny faction of the population, it is not a problem to find females who can do the job just as well as males.