Please rework manual saving

Still refuse to answer my question? Or is that because you’re still not grasping the point? Or perhaps because you suffer from reading illiteracy?

Saving has NOTHING to do with whatever scenario/NPCs Henry might encounter in the game. I don’t take a survialist/Dark Souls attitude to the way I play the game the way you do. Can you at least understand that?

Regardless of whether I think an NPC encounter might be hostile or not, I’ve always made multiple saves. Been doing that since TES/Arena and Fallout 2, all the way up to heavily modded Skyrim/Fallout 4. I always make saves in as little as 30-45 sec interval between. Sometimes as long as 2hr+ between saves. It doesn’t matter if it’s on a deserted hillside in the middle of nowhere. Or if Henry’s is about to go into combat or not. It can be a half a dozen saves just before before/after he goes to bed in an Inn. Or on the road. Perhaps before/after Henry gets laid or not. Maybe when he’s taking a dump & reading in the outhouse. Or before/after faster travel etc. etc.

I don’t care about your irrational reasoning for why you think i need to keep saving the game i.e. you seem to think so because “every challenge frightens you” lmao. Try to get this into your thick skull: NOT EVERYONE TAKES THIS DEATH MATCH/EXTREME APPROACH TO PLAYING THIS GAME THE WAY YOU DO. I JUST WANT THE ABILITY TO SAVE THE F@CKING GAME. PERIOD. WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT. PERIOD. So I can have access to multiple save points to restore the game from quest/game breaking bugs that cause me to lose hours of real life game progression. Period.

Understand now?

No? NVM. I’m now convinced you’re thicker than a plank. So don’t bother replying. Oh Joy. :joy:


So make potions, it takes 5 min to make 20. And 15 min to actually pick the plants for them.

Stop crying abou a save system in a survival style game.

Go play fall out 4 and come back to me with how bad this save system is compared to FO4 where you only get ine save option… sleep

Atleast here you can sleep, make potions, or buy potions.

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Precisely. Best post of the thread. But I fear your enlightenment is lost on the likes of myopic gamers like Omnimaniac.

Their name explains it all… :rofl:

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Trolls belong in bogs and under bridges please pick one and return.

Oh dear. Not you too. I DON’T CARE TO WASTE TIME with useless animations making useless potions my protag doesn’t need. Which as I earlier pointed out, take up inventory space and add undesirable weight. WTH should I have to waste time

1.Stopping whatever Henry is doing ATM to
2.Open up his inventory then
3.Scroll through the list of potions just to find
4.The damned save game token? And the migraine of
5.Rinse & repeating N number of times whenever I feel like making a save?

WTH should I run that gauntlet when making the same N save games are but several mouse clicks away? Henry chugging Schnapp tankards every couple of steps he takes…regardless of where he happens to be–until he runs out, passes out, or drops dead from alcohol poisoning—whichever comes first. How is that remotely immersive or realistic? :rofl:

Because this game is a simulator, not a regular rpg like skyrim.

You sound like a spoiled, self entitled prick honestly. So Capon you want everything skyrim has to offer with a midevil story line? Pretty sure there is a mod for that on skyrim.

When reading this I had flash backs to the movie babe where the little girl gets her Christmas present, a beautiful hand made doll house her grandfather mad her by hand. She throws a huge fit because it’s not the same color as the one on Television.

The way you presented yourself made me view you exactly like that. First impressions stick.

@Omnimaniac please stick to arguments and stop calling people lazy and stupid. This is not constructive and completely unnecessary.

Tone down the hostility and stick to the valid points.

@Stotek the above applies to you as well.

Thanks for your two cents.

I agree. There needs to be a possibility to save the game anytime. Especially in the game where you can loose easily hour of progress due to some real life situations.

That said, i would not be happy if the rework would “muddy” the intented way of play. So no quickload spam etc.

I can see save on exsit working well, but buried in options and well communicated that this is not the way to play KCD and that savior schnaps are important design decision integral to whole experience. But if it spoils the game for YOU, go ahead and turn on autosave on exit.

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I don’t say, it is so, but imagine: there are hundrets of players, that what an easy save mode, and they ask for it in the forums rather loud and demanding, and there are thousends of players, that love it the way it is now, but don’t write the forums, because they don’t feel the need to complain about something. so, how can you decide, if there are more complaining players, than those that don’t complain, when you only know about the first kind?
by the way: they is a mod for free saves.
But, to satisfy both: WHS could add an option in settings, so everyone can choose, how they want to save. And there is a mod that leds you save for free


I think the save on exit is a good compromise. I like the save system atm but also would like the option to quit the game whenever I like and not lose progress.

I don’t think there should be extra options in game to save. Leave it as it is.

There is a save that you can use at any time outside of combat… schnaaps. Easy to come buy, easy to make and pretty cheap if you purchase them.

I avoid use of schnaaps as much as possible cause hate look Henry tumbling around and look like fool, why the fuck they had to make henry to go drunk when saving… really ruins game for me.

@Juhnimus then go to sleep.

Well nearest bed is usually far away when you need save for instace before looming fight middle of forrest camp…


Please read and understand what people are telling you, again another example of you trolling


Then let’s make savior schnapps more expensive with a possibility of failure during brewing. I find the saving mechanic to be a little too easy given the gameplay style that WHS envisioned. I think folks should have some faith in the developers and allow them to continue on the path of the original design. I think the game is masterfully done and I’m having a blast.c

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well if we are pitching ideas, i say let’s enable normal free saving instead. enabling features, but discouraging players from using them by making it annoyingly time-consuming and laborious is just bad game design. a clean solution would be to have only autosaves and saves on sleep, but they realized it wouldn’t work and manual saves are necessary (since it’s not a roguelike). also, many people just wouldn’t have bothered playing it (cumbersome saving already cost them several metacritic points).

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