Pledged but haven't received anything yet?

I pledged the $40 about 2-3 months ago and have still yet to get any of the pledge rewards. I received and email that confirmed I pledged but that was about it…

I’m not really sure where to post this (technical seemed most appropriate) or what I’m supposed to look for in my email inbox. Can anyone help me?

Take a look at the expected delivery dates on the Kickstarter page.

For the game you’ll have to wait some… 18 months (take or leave it: dec15). For the beta, a little less (mid 15) and for the alfa a couple of months (probably aug14)… Are you sure you know where you put your money? Did you have some idea of what is going on here?

Basically, unless something changes we’re not getting anything physical for a year and a half. That was known up front.