Polearms thrust

Well quite simply, where the hell is the thrust with the polearmrs, particularly the spears ? I can guess (and do hope) that they will rework/refine the polearms combat system, but at least give the chance to use one of the primary function of a polearms, poking at a safe distance the enemy ! And too, I must say a polearms are NOT slow and sluggish, it’s quite fast, because you’re using the end as a lever so you do big movement with little force.

Here a video that talk about this a bit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AikYrawU7M
This channel is awesome by the way, and he has many other video on polearms and others weapons.

Is that not essentially the stab? it can’t be much different than the stab that’s already in the game

There is a thrust? I remember spamming it and killing AI that wouldn’t even block…
Polearm that I’ve tried were fast as fuck in stabbing and AI wouldn’t block because they were out of range and 1-2shotted everyone.

There is ?? Well last time I tried pressing the right button, all it did is slowly swinging the weapon. I’ll giving another try when I’ll have the chance. :thinking:

Polearms need to be locked-on someone because if you only try to stab or do anything without being locked in combat, it does only 1 type of animation.

What platform are you using? on Xbox One it’s RB for stab/thrust and RT for Slash

oh I see ! Haha, well i’ll definitely give it another try, I really like polearms and was sad when I saw this.

JakeyChappers, I’m on PC, but I just tried it out of combat, so that must be it.

Ok so forget all what I said about polearms. I finaly got my hand on and could try it on “few” and it’s absolutely OP or at least the halberd. I mean it is true that polearms are a primary war weapon (swords are rarely used in war, only if you loose you main weapon or so), and for that it’s because they are really good, but one or two (very rarely 3) shot anything full plat or not, it’s just too much ?


I went to Vranik in the bandit camp, and just after entered it I got a save, so I said to myself (what a wonderful world…) I’ll just try to beat all the camp for myself with my halberd and see how many I can beat before dying… well if it was not for the freaking unkillable NPC (come on can’t even swing at him, I mean it’s a bandit, and I can’t even knock him off ?!?) I would have killed the entire camp. I manage anyway, with the NPC keeping smashing at me, to kill 32 people in the camp. So after the cut scene, when I had to escape, the camp was almost empty and made me retrieved my equipment very easily and killed the rest of the camp before escaping.

Lol for the cutscene after saying we have no chance against them, they are too many bla bla bla… Dude I’ve just killed them all with only a halberd ! So yeah, polearms = God mode.