Poll: Badge Position

Do you like to see your badge above or after your nickname?

  • Above! It looks fun ā€œBaron Whateverā€ or ā€œSoldier Schnitzelā€ā€¦
  • After! Never change a winning Team.
  • Mehā€¦ I donā€™t mind! Go fund yourself!

0 voters

AND YES!!! I know itā€™s still messed up and my Badge looks horribleā€¦ but before fixing it I need to know if you like it in general!

Wowā€¦ Dat badge Tobi:O

I vote ā€œbeforeā€

Earl Wicker looks too damn good.

Your badge is quiiiiteā€¦beautiful? Yeah thatĀ“s the right word!
I donĀ“t really careā€¦I meanā€¦it doesnĀ“t effect the game after allā€¦or does it? :smiley:

This is the forum though>:/ It affects everything!

I mean yeah it would be nice if the forum looked fency as hell espacially Ā“cause I spend more time here than I like to admitā€¦ But I wonĀ“t die if it doesnĀ“t xD

Oh you will. One way or another.

meā€”> (ā€¢ā€¢) ( ā€¢ā€¢)>āŒā– -ā–  (āŒā– _ā– )ā–„ļø»Ģ·Ģæā”»Ģæā•ā”äø€ (bang!) (ā€¢ Īµ ā€¢) <ā€” you

If Iā€™m a senseless Baron or Baron Senselessā€¦ doesnā€™t make that much of a difference.


Noouuues! Have merci pls! xD

Now that I think about itā€¦with the new arrangement of title and name I maybe shouldĀ“ve named myself jonisheep rather than jonischafā€¦ Baron jonisheep sounds better on a forum with english as main language.

I read your name as ā€œJohnnyā€™s shaftā€

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Eeermā€¦where can I change my name? Pleaseā€¦? XD

definitely after. or you meen under/above your username in forums?

seems more confusing than:

I donā€™t see how:/ Having it before/above (i.e, Earl Wicker) is how real life titles work.

in most of forums is ā€œfunctionā€ (here ā€œtitleā€) listed below username by less strong text.

but it is just a common rule and my opinionā€¦

This isnā€™t most forumsXD This game is devoted to realism, why should the forum be as well?

Ehhhmmm we changed it to AFTER YOUR NAMEā€¦ .ABOVE YOUR NAME! :slight_smile: Because under your Nick, the words donā€™t overlapā€¦

Do you like it?

Mr. Community Manager TobiTobsen does! :slight_smile:

ehhm you mean above the name?
I like it when the badge is above like right now

eeeeehhmmm exactly what I said! :slight_smile:

eehhhmmm but you edited it :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeeees, it is great this way:D