Poll: What should be our next stretch goal? What about 3rd person camera?

Yepp, 3rd person perspective will definitely be half-assed. It will have the feel of a mod with its restrictive use.

I can only imagine the weirdness when you walk around in 3rd person and all of a sudden, when you draw your bow, the perspective/camera changes to 1st person. Same is true for entering buildings. Weird is probably even a two soft term for that. I guess it will bring some people (who are already sensitive for motion sickness) to puke right away.

If Warhorse really get forward with this idea they should really, really well communicate that this is not a FULL 3rd person mode but just some half-assed approach (for whatever reason). They shouldn’t bring people to expect being able to play the game in 3rd person all the time. I mean that knowledge isn’t a problem for us on the forum who are well informed but it should be very clear to new backers as well who possibly just back the game because they want to play it in 3rd person.

And maybe they should show us a prototype first how these 1st/3rd person transitions would work and look like in the game itself


agreed, hearing too much on the community can be counter productive.
In this case this works both ways, you might end up with “fan catering” if you exclude it, just because those voices screamed the loudest

He must see some benefit for the game as a whole, or it would have been nonsense to make the proposal.

In the end it’s probably one of those questions which can be answered more easily from the devs side, in particular since work/gain issues are mostly guesswork from the outside. All we can offer is a personal opinion, which is probably the reason this thread is so productive, post count wise at least. :slight_smile:

True. I indeed hope Warhorse and Dan decide based on reason and what they personally want. Best we can and should do is giving feedback and arguments (which isn’t necessarily the same as just “opinions”). :wink:

this kind of 3rd person mode isn’t anything new. it existed in operation flashpoint and the arma series. if you were in 3rd person and brought up the ironsights, you immediately went into 1st person mode, with an ironsight and slightly zoomed vision at that. and the third person camera was crap inside buildings, and people tended to just flip back and forth with no issue. watch some youtube videos of arma with people playing in 3rd person. it’s like second nature for them to swtich views, it posed no issues.

in short, the apocalyptic problems you posited were not present in games which utilize it already.

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Which “apocalyptic problems”? I said it’s weird and that it could cause motion sickness for some and that’s it.

And to be honest, the perspective changes in OF and Arma were never a strength of these games imo. But now I know at least who probably came up with this idea at Warhorse

That’s all fine and dandy.
But what about the people who demanded 3rd person because they get motion sickness?
This was an argument used in 3rd person debates here on this forum.

In interiors they will have to deal with 1st person anyway.
So they can’t play it or they have to prepare some buckets to vomit in. :smiley:

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I’ve been wondering that too
As next stretch goal I secretly wish that they’ll add a wide variety of instruments to play as bard ,and lots of songs to collect with different origins/effects

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only horse for the 3rd person~

Please, everyone! This is just like politics, as a libertarian, i believe the wisest choice is to not decide for other people how they should and should not play. Every player who has pledged should be given the right to play in the position he wants to play! I strongly urge new voters to please pick Any of the choices excluding the second option, “No way! This will ruin the uniqueness of the game”. It should and with the way the votes are showing WILL be our choice. So thank you, and keep up the good work. I would also like to thank the Warhorse Team for providing the backers a say in this matter, and for even acknowledging the large amount of players who want 3rd person.

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you sir, need to calm down and understand you dont have to use it. k?

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Yes but I dont think that walking inside buildings cause the sickness. I personaly feel sick a little bit when thinks go wild - i.e. mainly melee combat (and motion blur does not help either). Or when the camera suddenly moves (for example after being hit).

This is nothing like politics. A video game is always a specific product crafted in a specific way in order to offer a specific experience.

Reality is that no game offers total freedom how to play it and that’s usually for a good reason.


I don’t know, I may get passively aggressive while facing an apparently minor group of people striving to impose strongly subjective and restrictive ideas on everyone around - even if the issue in question doesn’t really have to touch them themselves at all when it comes to it.

On the other hand, in the very post where you hold this against me you are getting pretty actively aggressive yourself in your persuation set in a very particular direction (while I’m mostly trying to speak in general terms and was actually making a defensive statement very much on the topic back in that quote).

To summarize a bit:

A: This won’t hurt.
B: No, it’s gonna hurt so much!

A: How possibly?
B: Issues with perspective in the game!

A: Why are you so intensely concerned with something that is not going to influence your gameplay if you go playing it in 1stP only? Why do you think the devs are incapable of dealing with such issues in a way satisfactory for the other players?
B: It will cause great delays in the production and I will have to wait longer!

A: Well, we all have to wait and no one really knows how long exactly to begin with. There is no way of saying how long the development will take with all the accompanying bug hunting, tweaking and implementing all the stuff. Including the one that may not have been a part of the very basic barebones concept, but is now possible due to secured funding and enought time at hand.
Most of which will take more time than adjusting something that is already in the engine and would be only one minor supporting feature. A feature (at least a variant of) which lots of people are asking for for varying reasons and only a handful of people is radically against the very existence of it even though it’s not going to interfere with their intended gameplay if they stick to the 1stP exclusive way by themselves. Which will be there in any case.

It kinda reminds me of this crude joke:
“Hey, Pepe, why are you crying?”
“Dat boy from the neighborhood is gonna get a new dog!”
“Oh, and would you like to have a doggie too?”
“No. I want that dog to die!”


I was talking about the comments everyone was making, “no it should be this way because i said so!” “no this way” i was not literally talking about the game designers and the company as if they were divided between factions and they kept fighting to the point of, “ehh, i give up, lets put it on the forums.” I think you are translating my statement incorrectly.

I usually play in 1st person, but there is no denying that it is sometimes VERY handy to switch to 3rd person. Especially if it includes a Birds-Eye-View.

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a) So your comprehension of democracy and voting is that the minority should shut up? Or why do you even come up with that here? You think that only the majority has good arguments? How do you think the majority came to its opinion in the first place? By coincidence?
b) I haven’t seen anybody here imposing anything on anybody. We are just talking about a subject, stating opinions and exchanging arguments.
c) People here gave good arguments (for either side), so no, imho not everything is subjective. Taste is subjective but not everything in video game design is about taste.
d) You are the one who constantly tries to dismiss people who don’t agree with you and I really urge you to stop that. You have every right to state your own opinion here like everyone else but there is no reason to show disrespect to other people.

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Obviously there are many passionate points of view floating around about this whole topic and while I do not wish to become excessively embroiled in the argument of which view is better, immersion vs cinematics or whether the sky should predominantly be grey or blue for that matter, I would like to point out that I have been misquoted considerably.

My reference to 1st person gameplay over the years being a disservice was not directed at this specific game, but a number of other titles I have played, made by other studios, over the last 16 years. It was a general comment concerning my past gaming experience. If I was not interested in 1st person gameplay at all then why would I have arrived here discussing a game I have backed that is (as of right now) 1st person only? My apologies if some people get the wrong idea.

The intent of my post then, to clarify, was:

  1. I love what warhorse is trying to create and their overall vision
  2. If they choose to give people the OPTION to play the way that each individual WANTS to play then they are providing a very positive experience for the community
  3. I was answering the ACTUAL aim of this thread - Yes, I would love to see 3rd person views in areas that allow it, if it is optional, does not affect gameplay design, finances, etc, etc, etc, because that is my personal opinion which I don’t expect everyone to share, however since they ASKED, I answered.

I hope this translation helps. :wink:

I think it’s a good stretch goal. It’s no that cheating, because human has side vision and sometimes feels somehow when someone approaches from behind, like enemy stabbing you in the back at the battlefield. But you can’t implement such feelings in the game that easily and naturally. So though my answer is “I’d check out both and then decide”, I suggest you to go for it. Especially since so much people are begging for it.

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I will remain impartial to the debate on whether or not TPV will ruin/improve the game. However, I want to expressly re-state that this

is most definitely NOT what I want. Please try to focus on the actual title of the thread here. The thread is "What should be our next stretch goal? What about 3rd person camera? And to that question I, and 94 others have voted “No way!”

However, the issue I find with this entire thread is that I can’t believe that this question is what everyone is voting on. I think a new poll is needed. Or perhaps two polls. To address both issues that are actually being discussed here.

If you read this, please consider exactly what it was you voted on. I state again that I strongly disagree with this feature being a stretch goal. I would very much rather see some other visual or functional facet implemented (see another post of mine HERE). I voted “No way!” because I do not want this to be the next stretch goal. Not because I care one way or the other about TPV vs. FPV and its merits/detriments to the game.


For the sake of making things more clear, I thought it would be good to create a couple very basic, specific polls you can now see. Whether or not Warhorse takes them into account is completely up to them.