Ps4 and plegdge question

Hello I’m really knew here, I bought the baron physical tier for the ps4, I’m wondering how I play?

Hello @kritonas welcome to the community and thank you for becoming a backer.

Currently the Alpha is only available for PC, so if you are asking how to play on PS4 it is not available at this time.

Otherwise you will have to activate your game key through steam. your key is located in the My Profile section under the FUND tab.

For more info on steam activation please see this post and thread.

Oh well, thank you for answering my question, I’m glad to be a part of this community :), but will it ever be available for ps4?

Yes mate i believe so. It’s just the alpha access is only for PC.

I am only a community member so I cannot speak officially on behalf of WarHarose.

It is it my understanding that the alpha will be PC only (complications with distribution presumably financial).

There has been no official statement on whether or not Beta will make it to consoles, but was intended to be done if possible.

In any case the final product (projected for summer 2016 release) will make its way to consoles when completed.

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