PS4 Broken Combat

Nope the work around doesn’t work on my ps4 neither :frowning: but pressing the hell out of R2 or smashing R2 with a blunt object will SOMETIMES swing the weapon … but it’s rare and in no way viable or even possible to play that way and enjoy the game. If I wanted to I could jab and kick everything ,I don’t usually buy broken games

Have you tried the fix of uninstalling the game then re-installing without the update? It makes the game a bit sketchy but it’s playable

I’ve not experienced the R2 bug and Combat appears to be working correctly for me so far. I’m playing on a PS4 Pro.

I’m on the Pro as well, I’ve not had the R2 issue I just had a problem with my attacks not landing on any enemies

Sorry to hear that it doesn’t work for some, glad to be of help to some though, this game really needs another patch focused on these bugs, they can really fuck your experience up.

I think I know the problem, In my case it was hardware related.
R2 button is in almost all games for shooting or very much used.
R2 is analog value, to scroll menu you use only about 50% of value to trigger, but for heavy attack you need about 95% of value. If your R2 button is “worn out”, then 100% of your force on this button can be about 80% of value for controller (this was my case).
How to test if this is also your problem?: In Windows or Mac exist programs to test the controller. You just plug usb in PC and test if all axis and values goes form 0% to 100%.
What to do if problem?(my case): Open the controller and fix buttons to get 100% again with some glue or buy new controller.

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I’m now having an entirely new problem being that the game won’t load any of my saves… such a well built game

I have the same issue with combat… I can swing away at mu sword but nothing connects

Try restarting and unequipping everything, if not do what I did originally and uninstall the game then re-install without the update

Great find.
It really seems this is the problem.
We will be lowering the trigger value. We had 90% which is unreasonably high.

Thank you very much

Úplně stejný problém na PS4. Nemohu způsobit žádné poškození, zbraň vždy jen proletí skrz protivníka a nic se nestane. Jako kdyby úplně ignoroval mou zbraň ani se nesnaží krýt.
Bohužel s tímhle problémem se hra nedá hrát, jelikož při každém souboji zemřu.

Právě jsem zjistil že tento problém způsobil day 1 patch. Měl jsem problém při kterém jsem nemohl způsobit žádné poškození pěsti a zbraně prošli zkrz protivnika a nic se nestalo. Po opakovaně instalaci jsem hru pustil bez updatu a vše najednou funguje.

Emm, so why again I can use other functions on r2, and cant this one?

Because those other function are not analog. They only regisster whether the button is pressed.
eg. in menu the game does not need 90% trigger velue, but any value at all.

Could you tell me what patch 1.03 on ps4 is going to do? any bug fixes? the reputation system is ruining my experience, i stealth killed some people and everybody hates me in rattay, i have to pay them every single time to talk to them.

I’m having this issue as well.
To check whether your controller’s R2 is the problem, you can do the following:

-> Plug your controller into your pc
-> Go to ‘Devices and Printer’
-> Right click on ‘Wireless Controller’
-> Click on ‘Game controller settings’
-> In the window that pops up click ‘Properties’

X-Rotation is L2 and Y-Rotation is R2.

Hope this helps :grinning:

This is the only problem that I run into that frustrates me. I don’t know if R2 just don’t work for me or if it’s just a delay. It’s annoying.

It’s definitely the game.

Same issue here, though im able to stab (r1) but not slash (r2), had the issue during the training but to a much lesser extent and i bypassed it by button mashing, the fist fight seemed ok but now that im outside the village i cant slash at all. Huge problem when fighting the knights that are patrolling.
Is it worth reinstalling the game? im willing to but only if theres no other option.

That was never my original problem, I couldn’t land any attacks at all, I uninstalled the game and played without the update for some time, onto V1.03 now though I believe