PS4 PRo, Spiel ruckelt alle paar Sekunden nach

PS4 PRo, Spiel ruckelt
das Bild bleibt alle paar Sekunden für ne Millisekunde hängen, was mich sehr stört.
Es ist alles richtig eingestellt am TV, etc.
Hat nochjemand das Problem auf der Ps4 Pro?

EDIT: man braucht wohl den Patch, in 5 Stunden schau ich nochmal ^^.

that’s what you get for playing before release date.


not really

Did you download the patch ?

5 hours , i hope, after that its better.

Ahh yes thats probs the issue

:confused: thx i check it in 5 Hours ^^.

what do you expect from a system where you have no influence in the choice of hardware? I will never understand console gaming…

Cheaper than PC

that’s exactly why you get consoles as the games are customized on the console

hm, allways (!) when my friends who only play on consoles come to me they seem to be overehelmed by the graphics of the SAME GAMES they are playing-
Witcher 3 was very crazy f.e…

ok I have to add that best (all maxed out) video games graphics are important to me-

The Thing is proper PC Gaming simply cost’s more money. I dislike this PC Master-Race attitude where certain PC-Gamer want to claim you can have an good PC for the Price of an Console. No, simply no…
Before i advice someone he should buy an pc for 300-400 bucks, i advice him to buy an Console instead, due 99% an Console Game is better optimized due it’s only ONE Hardware-Combination instead of the possibilitys which PC offers…

And about Witcher 3; i have to disagreee. I owned both(and i sold my PS4 Version afterwards), the Graphics between PS4 and Ultra on PC (Without Hairworks) aren’t that big; it’s simply the performance which makes the PC Version in this case supreriour to me… the Rest of the Graphical enhancment are simply little things like AA and so on…

and what resolution did you tested it on pc? I doubt it was 2k or even more? how much AA?
also you said “without this and that” and even “not that big difference (so there was one ;-))”

if you sum all this up it makes exactly the difference Im talking about. I needd the MAXIMUM and not “pretty good playable without doing or nowing anything about how a frame is rendered”

its not offending when I say I cant understand how ppl can play on consoles because I really cant understand (like Im too dumb :D)

Wo kommt das Spiel denn jetzt schon her wenn erst am nächsten Dienstag Release ist?
Ich hoffe mal das wird nach einem Patch laufen,denn ich hab nicht mal die PS4 Pro somdern die normale. Ich kann es danke der PC Version für Backer auch auf dem PC spielen, aber ich hätte gern auch die PS4 Version für´s Wohnzimmer gehabt. Spiele wie Mass Effect Andromeda liefen da ja für meine Begriffe auch vernümpftig drauf.

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Question would you like Witcher 3 in 4K Better or Minecraft in 4K?
Don’t misunderstand me; 4k plus HDR is pretty damn cool, and if i have the option, i would take this over 1080p however compared to the graphical Enhancments which you have in an Game like Minecraft compared to Witcher 3, 4K plus HDR plus AA is an pretty small leap. It’s an more polished Picture, but it isn’t really improving the Graphic’s overall(though i get you if you say this is really important to you), also the Artstyle/overall Design can make an big difference too… obviously in Games like Witcher or Kingdoms Come Delieverance which set it’s bar on an Realistic Artstyle, this things like Resolution and AA and such small things might be have more impact than an Game which is artistic.

And i don’t think you are to dumb, maybe not to open enough to want to understand, but i don’t think anyone of the PC(Masterrace) Crowd is actually “too dumb” to understand. Like i mentioned, these Things which are important too you, is for the most People not much of improvement. And people simply like the cheaper and easier aprroach of Consoles. For Consoles it’s easy to play - you simply buy the Game, put the Game-Disc in the Console and thought modern consoles also often update/download an Game, it’s quite easier to play on an Console than on PC. On PC you have to maintain your Rig, you have to check up Drivers, and if you don’t have an High End PC you also need to check the Recommandations for the Games. Also if you use an PC not only for Gaming but also for more than that, often there are Tools/Programms/Apps however you want call it, which can influence the Performance of the Games due some background-Processes. It’s not like you need to Master an PC - but you still need to have common knowledge about it, and if you want simply to play Games, than Consoles are the easier choice. People can live with the tradeoff to not have the best Graphics, or better say they don’t even care/see the difference. I mean i have often enough met people who don’t see the difference between 30 and 60fps…

Also - a thing which i want to point out, your Argument also don’t apply only for Console-Gamers, but also for PC Gamers as well. Do you know how many PC Gamer actually have an Rig which is strong enough to have this Advantages over the Console which you mentioned? It’s only the Minority? The Majority can be happy that Developer/Publisher like Riot or Blizzard optimize their Games for older Rigs and are visually not that ressource-hungry. If you look at the most Popular Games on PC you will find mostly Games which doesn’t nearly require an high end pc, and even the exceptions like PUBG which requires atleast an bit better PC - there is often an complain by people who simply have an to weak PC… and complain about optimization. Yeah true, such Games often aren’t that well optimized, but if you gimp around with an 560 gtx and than whine that the Game won’t run… okay…

Manche Händler geben einfach früher das Spiel raus. Und da du ja die PC Version hast, würde ich dir ja ohnehin erstmal empfehlen auf Review/Tests zu warten wie die Performance allgemein ist =)
Hier steht etwas zu dem fetten Patch den es geben wird.

Nach dem Patch ist vor dem Patch… :wink:
Bei so großen Spielen wird man auch noch nach Jahren neue Fehler finden…

Wenn man gleich am ersten Tag spielen will muss man mit gewissen Fehlern rechnen.
Normalerweise kaufe ich ein Spiel erst Monate später, aber bei den “großen” Rollenspielen mach ich da die Ausnahme.

Hi. Also bei mir hat das Spiel auch alle paar Sekunden geruckelt. Allerings hatte ich es auf einer EXTERNEN HDD installiert. Nach dem Verschieben auf den Internen Speicher war alles gut!

28,7 gb groß. Patch 1.02