PS4Pro: Graphic Downgrade

… FIX IT …

We cant play a game that looks like the GameBoy Version of Morrowind…

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Same on xbox one X. But let’s be realistic here this will never be patched it will get even worse. The cryengine doesn’t work on consoles it’s ridiculously cpu demanding. They will have to downgrade the graphics even further to get close to 30fps.

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And nobody noticed this in 5 yesrs of Development?

If this is true: Fu$% you Wargoat Studios…

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PC: Graphic Downgrade Here are the screenshots of the beta version and they are beautiful (Beta 2016)

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A honeytrap…

you know this was the same with the Witcher 3 vanilla release
the game was so demanding the FPS was almost at a constant 20-24
but after a downgrade patch it was on a consistent 30

i’m personally glad they didn’t downgrade the PC version of KCD, at least we can simply change the setting via options

The PC version is graphically downgraded. the beta version of the schedule was much better.

The game is cpu demanding. The consoles don’t have very good CPU.

True CPU really seems to be the issue with cry engine games on consoles. DigitalFoundry explained it very well in their recent test video about KC:D
The CPU runs at it’s absolut limit on consoles. You can’t push the graphics any higher because the CPU can’t keep up with the GPU it’s that simple really. So unless Warhorse pulls out some miracle performance patch (one was announced for the next 2 weeks) i don’t see the chance for an update witch could fix the LOD and texture streaming issues.

Screenshots of beta vs. release version (ultra settings) Same place, same time, same weather.!

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Wow, this is sad to see… :frowning: What the hell did they do to this game?

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They optimized it to make it run on more PCs.
Most people have low end PC and not high end PC.

It is a downgrade, but you have to understand that a lot of people don’t want to spend thousands of euros into building a computer. Economically if gaming is not your priority it doesn’t make sense.

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Holy Jesus…
this… can’t be… my faith in Warhorse… slowly… dying
well… the textures look better on the full game
but the vegetation and lighting looked MILES better on the beta

funny thing, compared to the beta the game runs about the same
so did Warhorse really rushed the “delivery”?
because i’ve met with several game breaking bugs in the game and i’m considering rating down the game for it
as fantastic the game is, it’s simply not the polished product i was promised…

This argument does not make sense. That’s what the settings are there fore. Low end PCs use lower settings and high end PCs use higher settings that should use the full power of a high end GPU. Obviously even Ultra Settings don’t look that good.

What happens if you on a console then lol. What setting to adjust ?

It makes perfect sense, you can’t take the smallest niche of players and build the game based on that.
You have to take every platform and every possible combination into account.

More people play on consoles and low-end PCs than people on 1000€ PCs.
It’s always the same debate with PC elitists … They do not want to understand that they are the minority.

I could afford a gaming PC again to play in ultra, but I don’t have the time nor motivation, too much hassle.

There should be options. Like there have been in the first crysis. No one would be left out by giving options to the players on PC. It’s technically no problem to do this. Just some option to turn settings on /off. Absolutely doable. I think its a huge mistake by WH to not include those options. Especially since the have been created in the first place. The biggest difference between beta & release comes from GI lightning and it’s take out becaurse Consoles will never be able to handle it! But PCs can easily do.

Also I’ll never understand what people are doing wrong with there PCs. A good rig to run the Release Game with 50 FPS ( and the beta with an avaradge 40 -50 fps) would be around 500 to 600$ and not more. Rig for ~300$ and than you need a graphic card for an other 200 to 300 bugs. Compared to the Xbox X with 499$ you will have 3 times more power for the same price. Every Console ever released has been a ripof, with outdated CPUs build of old android phone and tablet architekture, not joking thats a fakt.

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OK. You win.
Everyone else except you is a fraud and Warhorse Studios is plotting against the elite PC community …

Really, I’m done wasting my time trying to talk sense into some people.

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I’m sorry but Consoles are 3-5 year old pc that is a simple fact

you’ll never need nothing more than high mid range gear. Only pc games you’ll be playing are consoles left overs. Unless you justify 60fps and 4k worth paying a grand for. Maybe those greedy fucks at AMD and Nvidia should start getting there own first party Devs. Sony exclusive look better than any pc game at ultra. Been pc gaming 10 years now and my PS4 with android CPU makes better looking games than any of Nvidia over priced shit. Sure higher hardware can help brute force performance on the unoptimised games. But that’s about it.

Dunno how those greedy fuks justify releasing news cards every other week, and intel. Let’s release another overpriced overpowered CPU to play games made for android.