If you lose your arm or whatsoever in a fight its probably gameover anyway, thus nobody needs a torn off limb. And correct me if I’m wrong but afaik the developers already had a statement on chopping of bodyparts saying they won’t be able to do it technically. And this is not an immersion breaker as it is almost impossible to chop off a head of a guy in full plate.
I would want to have wounds and scars, you’d have to tend to after a fight. maybe ripping your blood soaked garments in pieces to tend to a wound? But thats quite a bit of work for not much immersion gain.
I understand the idea behind pumping iron, ive seen the mod, but i don’t feel like using it. It’s simply because strength =/= bulking up. Right now I like to go to the gym 4 times a week to bulk up but thats a matter of appearance (with the ladies
). At that date nobody would care about appearance as it simply does not matter in a fight.
You are the son of a smith, thus you are already a healthy and probably kinda strong guy. My grandfather was a blacksmith he could hold a 22.5 pound smith hammer(doesn’t sound like much) (1,2m shaft) straight away from his body and rotate it still at armslength just using his lowerarm muscles. Most Bodybuilder nowadays could not achieve that. Because all they do is pumping weights to achieve a hulk like appearance (through lots of reps) though they are not even close to be as strong as a proper blacksmith. There is a difference in gaining strength and gaining mass. And the pumping iron mod simulates mass which is completly useless.
Bulk =/= Strength
I don’t want such a bodybuilder option because it adds not much to the gameplay but it takes lots of ressources. And it’s silly imho.