Question about my pledge - Soldier in Kickstater

Hi there!
I have some questions about my pledge (soldier on kickstater).
As i didn’t follow the news for roughly a year ( and heard recently that they abandon the format of act), do you know if I will still have the whole game when it will release ?
Thanks guys!

You will have the full game as released, just lacking access to the beta which is standard with the retail package.

This is (approximately) what was originally planned as Act 1&2, and there is planned a follow-on title which replaces the previously planned Act 3. Your pledge covered Act 1, but you now should be getting a bit more for your backing.

Thanks! What about the future “free dlc for backer”? Am i eligible for that too ?

Definitely. That “free dlc for backers” is about stuff that was promised during kickstarter, but was later cut out due to lack of time. So it’s about giving backers what they have been promised, there won’t be any differentiating between backers, since all backers were supposed to get the same game (those who pledged enough to get the game, obviously)…

Alright thanks guys for the answers! Let’s wait Thursday to have the new video!
Have a very nice day :slight_smile: