Question and Answers BUG WORKAROUND

Strange, that where I found radzig for me. Can’t help you then, sorry. Maybe you will come across him by chance…? Either way, once you do find him, and talk to him (report about the bandit) you can go to the encampment…

cant interact with him, so cant do that

I have the issues where i talk to Radzig but the cut scene will not trigger no matter what I do. Tried leaving him and coming back but hes just gone. Tho oddly after I talk to him about the interrogation if i speak to him again he acts as if I had not just told him about it and is concerned when i tell him about the plague. after that dialogue he walks off into the sunset.


You saved me my friend. It worked for me (PC)

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I’m having the problem where Radzig isn’t at the encampment. Instead, he’s at the stables in Neuhof, and I have exhausted the dialog with him there. However I can’t get the cut-scene to trigger at the encampment over-looking looking Talmberg, where my quest marker is pointing me to. I covered every inch of that encampment and nothing happens. So this is stuck with no recourse. I completely finished the cure for Merhojed quest too. I’m on PC.

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same here, nothing helped from both of these. Radzig just goes somewhere, no cutscenes and still no objectives in a “question and answer” quest. Did everything like Synarix said, and… nothing. :frowning:

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for me radzig just walks off after the conversation

I was having the second issue (xbox). Going back to the camp and sleeping there triggered the cutscene and let me progress from there.

For me Sir Radzig is standing at the little path between Merhojed and the Tavern in the woods ( i dont know the name)
hes just standing there beside his horse. Talk is greyed out and i cant start the quest. :frowning:

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For some reason after I talked to him he says “before I go I need to Show you something” and walks away ?
Am I missing something ?


I had the issue on Xbox where sir radzig just walks off after I report to him what happened in merhojed with the captive(I searched his body and took the letter) so I went back to merhojed and talked to the guy there(can’t remember his name) about what happened with the plague and that’s when I was told I could loot the bandit after they buried him under the tree, so I took the letter for the 2nd time went back to camp where sir radzig should have been but only his horse was there. Slept in the tent next to his horse and the cutscene activated

what tree i cant find anyone in the town to ask about it

I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?

You might have to wait a day or two(in game) for you to be able to talk to the guy that lets you interrogate the bandit(again can’t remember his name) and ask him what happened with the plague and tell him you need to search the bandit and he will tell you where he is buried and you will have a main quest marker where the bandit is

I might found the problem of my game I cured the plague and got the note from the bandit and let them kill him.Talked to Razdig and now he keeps moving and the game thinks the bandit is alive

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to add to this conversation, on ps4 it has a lot of bug’s, where doing the medical antidote fail’s, the correct potion is being aquired, poisoned antidote due to the water being poisoned, after going to every person daniel/straw/bedrika/bailiff/bandit only the bailifs wife and daniel show as being healed, no other is healed, and quest fail’s, as for radzig again not in rattay/stables/hill encampment, to many bug’s in the game and not enough fixes being given out so people can complete game, this is ps4 console,

For me Radzig is standing in Neuhof, I can talk to him but it doesn’t help (cutscene doesn’t appear in encampment). Also I don’t see his horse in the camp.

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This worked perfectly for me, thanks for the tip

Same for me, I lost 2h of gameplay because of it :sob:

Nothing worked on PS4.
I cure the plague (quest ended, no more white cross on doors).
I report to radzig… He was in the encampement.
I spoke with him about the bandit (i Can speak with him but I let villagers killed him After i had the informations… I took the letters too)

No cutscene… I cant progress anymore.

Anyone on PS4 was able to go further this quest ?
Annoying bug, have to wait for a patch and I dont want to play more… I fear to be too powerfull for the main quest and/or loose too game time.

Probably no link but another bug : now when I try to speak with Matthias (still dying near hordes…), I got an infinite loading… Have to restart the PS4…

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