Questions And Answers Bandit Escapist

So I’m stuck at the Q&A quest and I am supposed to deliver the prisoner to the prison.

When I was supposed to pick up the prisoner and escort him, Straw tried to attack him I knocked Straw out and I was going to loot him, but I accidentally picked him up and the bandit acted like a guard of some sort and started attacking me, so I had to knock him out and then a guard came and locked me up. when I got out of jail I want back to where the bandit was. And he wasn’t there. I inspected the scene and all Henry said was and I quote “Where is he? He couldn’t have fled, could he?”

Now if anyone else have encountered this problem and has managed to fix it please let me know.

AI of all friendy NPCs dont like when Henry carries bodies.

Bandid simply escaped, you may either follow this complication and try to find him anyway, or better load a save and perform it without messing up.


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