Questions from a future backer

I’m very interested for this game and I followed the Kickstarter campaign, but I’m not a backer. Before place my pledge I wanna know why Kingdom Come was divided in three acts and other info about these acts.
I love RPGs with dragons but this game has an awesome combat system and the historical atmospher it’s fantastic. Maybe, If this game will convince me a lot, I’ll back It with the King Tier… yeah, I’m fool. XD

Hi Jordan_Joestar

Glad you are thinking about backing this game.
As for why is Kingdom Come devided into three parts. It if ofcourse because of money. There was not just enough cash for doing the whole thing at once so it came out like this.
So making of Act 2 and 3 depend on how well the first Act sells.

All three acts will have a story of their own but togheter they will be telling a story about kidnaping of Wenceslaus IV. by his brother Sigismund.

Episodic content Games are actually pretty old, back in 1982 I played Dunjonquest on my Apple II. It was first released in 1979 and went on till 1986. The good thing on acts is:
-Devs can implement newer technologies in later acts that werent available when they started the game.
-Devs can use community feedback between acts to improve the game experience
-Devs can create in sum a bigger game (3acts x 40h is bigger then one 100h game)
-And there is allways the money ofc :wink:

If you bake the King, you will get all 3 acts. Thats cool :wink:

Good, but If the game will not sell enough, and the other 2 acts will be deleted, those who back the project with 550$ King Tier will lose their money. I hope that this eventuality will not happen and I’m sure that the game will be a success.

Ok. I only hope that If I’ll back the game with the King Tier the project will reach all the 3 acts, otherwise I’ll lose lots of money. :dizzy_face:

You also have an option to start with lower tier and later upgrade to the higher if you feel that the game deserves it.

That’s true. Maybe I can start to back the project and slowly add more money. I have to do some count because I should upgrade the pledge for The Bard’s Tale IV and Underworld Ascendant, but I don’t think to have problem with this awesome game. :smile:


Well that’s always a risk on kick starter. But i wouldn’t worry about that happening. KC:D would have to do quite badly for them to not make the other acts.

ProkyBrambora is right, its divided in three acts because of the money. Warhorse get some trouble to finance this game, an no publisher was willig to give enough money. They found one guy named Zdeněk Bakala who was willing to fund this project but he attached two conditions about it.
1.) gain 500.000$ on Kickstarter, so we can see if people are willing to buy a game like this. Especially after every publisher said a game like this don´t have an audience.
2.) split the game into three acts, because if the game will flop, we do not lose this much money.
So the only way to Warhorse to produce a game like this was the way to cut it into three parts. They don´t have the budget to do it in an other way.

If you think 550$ is to much, you also can buy a cheaper pledge and buy some of the other Acts II+III later when they are produced. The pledge is not only a pre-order its mainly a support to the team. So I you want to support Warhorse in a great way and pre-order the Game, the King Tier is the right choice.
If you say this is very expensive and you want to have the game in a cheaper way, you can buy a cheaper pledge to get Act I and buy the other Acts later. The choice is on your side. :smile:

@DrFusselpulli Don’t forget to mention that we will add him on Steam instantly if he becomes King :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, risks are always part of the crowdfunding campaigns. I want to risk. :grin:

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Ok, I understand. In these months I’ll pledge the game and upgrade, little by little, from a lower tier to the King Tier.
I love the stuff of the King Tier. :slight_smile:

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That’s what I did, I have upgraded a few times already.


Ahahahah!!! Come to me, my little peasants. :joy:

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Before I forget, the backers have a limit date for upgrade the pledge? If I start to support the project with “BARON TIER DIGITAL - 49,99$” and month by month I’ll upgrade to “KING TIER - 550,00$” I don’t risk that the pledge will lockdown?
I place this question because for Underworld Ascendant I saw on my BackerKit page that we have a limit date for change or upgrade our pledge.

As far as I know there is no plan to shut down pledges at the moment, but Warhorse canceled some pledges in the past and makes some of them more expensive by time.
So it seems pledges are not set in stone. But there should be no limit to upgrade something.
I hope the PR-Guy of Warhorse can answer your question:

Oh @TobiTobsen we summon you. TobiTobsen manifest yourself and appear to answer the question. :smile:

I hope that King Tier cost will remain 550$ because I can’t pay this sum in one time. :hushed:

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As far as I remember the higher tiers did not change in price at all. But I am not sure about it and don´t want to lie.
But I am sure about @TobiTobsen who will answer your question soon. :smile:

I hope that he will answer quickly… and that the price will not change. :weary:

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He will, but it´s the middle of the night here, and even a @TobiTobsen has to sleep some times. :smiley:
And don´t worry, the price will not change so soon. No need to hurry. :smile: