Quite informative

Why is there no half-swording in this game? Why are there no daggers to finish off an armoured opponent? Why do most enemies have swords? Where are the crossbows? Why are there no techniques to get an armoured opponent to the ground? Man, this game is awesome but it is lacking so much of this “realism” which it promised.

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There is half-swording, there is also a technique where you throw an opponent on the ground, you just need to play before you spew your ignorance.

Run Through:



Wow wow, didn’t see the half swording technique in the game before. Is it just for shortswords only?
I’m quite sure I unlocked all longsword techniques and didn’t have this one.

Yes it’s only for the shortsword.

I have seen and used both of these in the game, I just wish there was more halfs-swording that was also included with Longswords since it would mainly be longswords which would need it since they are so long. That technique for pushing someone to the ground wouldn’t work, hitting someone in the face with the pommel while pushing their shoulder won’t do it, especially if they are wearing a helmet. “You just need to play before you spew your ignorance” Geez, why are people so rude here, also you showed that 2/5 of the things I mentioned are in the game, but only in very small parts and not really represented in the best way.

I apologize if I sounded rude, it was not my intention to do so. Forgive me good sir,. Hopefully we’ll see more combos and techniques in future DLCs and Part 3 of the story.

Np man, it’s easy to end up looking that way on the internet, mb if I misinterpreted things. I really hope so too, like taking your sword to a blade grip and using the guard to hit armoured opponents.

I guess it it also very easy to se the short comings and faults of this games fighting system compared to real life HEMA and complain, losing track a bit, of how much this game actually achieves compared to the other stuff out in the gaming world.

We’re kinda blaming WH for not getting 100% on the very first attempt.

Well yeah, but they said there was gonna be “realism” and “realistic combat” not “Slight realism” and “Slightly realistic combat”.

Compared to much of the other crap out there, it IS realistic and aiming for realism. But it is still a game. Limited by technology, controls, and ought to be ‘fun’.