Raising Reputation with Vendors after patch 1.6

Alright, so if you’re like me you’ve returned to KCD after a good respite or perhaps you’re a new player. You may be wondering, what’s happened? I used to be able to steal from a vendor tickin’ him off and bribe him with a bit of gold to make amends. Well that’s not how things work now. Now it takes a LOT of gold. Not through bribery though, but through trade. You can still haggle for a better price or heap bunches of gold on your vendor. a few thousand should net you a good 5-10 points of favor. This works regardless of if you are buying or selling. In the beginning you’ll unlikely be able to change a vendors attitude (so careful in Skalitz if their opinion matters to you.)

(original Post) I haven’t played in a while and just started a new game. I used to be able to raise my reputation with vendors by giving them good deals when buying or selling. Well now it doesn’t seem to matter I’ve sold a lot to certain vendors both for normal and better prices, but their reputation hasn’t been changing. How specifically does this work now? I have vendors that hate me and all I did was practice my locksmithing skills on their doors, and occasionally on their inventories. No doubt they’ll change their tune once they’ve “lost” their keys.

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No one knows? Devs?

I believe I have the answer and will revise my original post.

Don’t know. I’ve sold a lot to them (4mil) but doesn’t seem to impact rep as much as I’d expect. Sort of given up on nuanced mechanics in KCD

If you’ve sold and purchased 4 mil to a vendor, assuming you’ve dealt with your sins via indulgences you should have reached the trading rep cap which I believe is somewhere between 65-80 the rest has to be earned via heroing.

Split up among vendors. I hit the cap. The cap itself is what doesn’t make sense… my trade (no haggle failures) lead to them having 100-300k. In spite of that, the rep is essentially the same as before I started feeding them heavily

Raising rep is lot harder now with merchants. In fact I can’t find a simple way or explanation. No sins in their faces (I mean, I stole a lot from them but they shouldn’t know, not even in same room where chests are), no soldier never has asked me to surrender for anything - it lows your rep even if you can get away with dialogue or charisma - (except normal checks) but my rep sometimes just stalls.
Oh, and btw I don’t buy indulgences, hate them… Lol.
May be now is a must to use indulgences. Idk

I’m pretty sure that indulgences influences reputation in some way. I find it sad though that they just threw it in there. Not even a priest to act as a salesman to explain what it is to you.

Not gonna happen but want vids with Miller Peshek(’s voice and persona) explaining how stuff works in KCD