So, I got my first alchemy lesson in Rattay, and I can’t get another one until alchemy level 5.
I can’t work up any alchemy levels without doing alchemy, apparently. But I also can’t do any alchemy until Henry learns to read.
So, Henry can’t learn to read until he does the ‘mightier than the sword’ quest, which is in Uzchitz?
Henry is taking a break before looking for the limping suspect in Uzchitz, to learn alchemy…among other important things.
Can I just go there for the side quest to learn to read, and avoid advancing the main plot?
It’s really difficult to work out the balance in this game. I don’t know how long the main quest is, and I can easily see getting way ahead of myself because Henry is not developing his skills. It’s clear that alchemy is going to take a long time to train up in this game, and I need to get it started.
Any ideas?