Reading map on horse : horse magically changes direction / facing

When I open and close the map while on my horse,
it often suddenly changes facing/direction 180 degrees!
Annoying, confusing for those on Hardmode and not an immersive feature :stuck_out_tongue:

Luckily, I am playing the normal mode, so I can get my direction again quickly. If I was on Hardmode (no direction nor waypoints) that magic spin around would be needlessly confusing.

Am I the only one with that glitch ?

EDIT: I replaced always by often. I do not know in what conditions it happens; usually in the woods anyhow.

Once there was a bug with book, while you were sitting you stood up, and could not read next book afterwards. It could also be similar with map.

Same bug, open map, and when I go back horse is facing opposite way I was riding.

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Ive had this happen fairly often as well.

How about when fast travelling & you get to the destination and you are not facing forward in line with the horses head.

Its because the horse continue while you look in the map. So if you were turning he kept turning.
At least that is my only explanation as that is what happened to me.

Yeah, I forgot about this one. I think the camera is facing towards that side which you last look. So you are not defaulted to horses head instead but Henry is pretty much looking the same way during fast travel, when the world opens for player in real time you are looking at the same world side. I actually need to test this theory out during night looking at the moon or something.

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