Realistic archery

Interesting. I’d like to know if there are any women pulling 100 lbs. (no compound) and what they look like.

You should be able to shoot a 30lbs bow with no training.
Children use 25lbs bows for larps here in Denmark.

For the azincourt reenactment in 2015 the lower limit is 70lbs… I know a few reenactors who are training for that.

Considering the usual input devices we’ll be using to interact with this game (…!) I’d say there is a natural limit to the realism we are likely to get - or can anyone imagine pulling at his controller/mouse with anything resembling 50+ pounds? I can’t…
So wer’re merely talking optics and shooting physics here - and again: it’s a game! Where the majority of people will in all probability have as much hands-on experience in archery as in metalworking, horseback-fighting or leathercrafting…
I will be content with a decent and functional inclusion of archery - full stop…

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part of that will have to be good simulation of arrow flight and trajectory dynamics or physics. mount and blade is actually decent, war of the roses had one of the worst and most simplified models, and skyrim is basically point and click.

i would like it to be even better than mount and blade to be honest. no firing cones, but rather animations of stress and instability that corresponds to the aim of the weapon, then its release and flight affected by simulations of air friction, gravity, etc. just simple simulations, because real physical calculations would be monstrous.

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So what you’re saying is we shouldn’t care too much about realism … because it’s just a game?

One lady from CSWBS shoots with 70lb bow, its not so much, but far more than i started with.

Why are you putting hungarian bows to bohemia ? Sure, there were some of them, but most probably it was owned by some feudals. As I said before, these bows were too complicated to manufacture, and thanks to its difficulty to make, they were also very sensitive about weather, humidity for example. Natural mucilage which was used to connect the layers have habit to loosen in these conditions.

Again, if there were any common bow, it was plain longbow. There is a plenty of wood for good bow, its simplier to manufacture, simplier to store and use, longbow is very old shape of bow, even Otzi had one, and its still made today.

Yes, you can buy realistic replica of mongolian bow, but its really expensive and have same problems as the old ones. Bows from Grozer have right shape, but the material is procesed with modern techniques and uses modern glues.


If you would bother to read my original post, you would see that I object to the Welsh high-poundage yew warbow being used in medieval Bohemia, not to the longbow shape …

CSWBS … another EWBS copycat (I thought this foolishness was limited to the Netherlands). The display of the cross of St. George in Bohemia is totally unrealistic, however I do like the history of the longbow.

I did bother to read it, and i might know where is problem. I´m speaking about bows used in battlefield, you speak about bows you might encounter outside the battle. The problem is, that normaly you wouldn´t encounter almost any bow at all, if you´re not invited to hunt with feudals, if you´re not huntsman or poacher.

And of course, if you want to use bow in warfare it have to be stronger than hunting bow. So even here i expect bows around 100#, its not so difficult to draw, you can made one from wide variety of woods, and it can penetrate pretty well.

CSWBS is modern society, we´re trying to be czech branch of EWBS. So the St. George cross is there to honor EWBS and roots of what we´re trying to do, and that is recreating english warbow shooting … I don´t understand why are you bringing this up.

I admit, i can be little one sided, cause i want to see normal archery, not just boring modern style one or too much crossbows.

I’m referring to battlefield use as well. Nowhere did I read about medieval archers using the Welsh warbow (D-shaped bowstave, bending through the handle) outside of the British Isles and France (or Flanders), however I’d like to be educated.
I’d wager that you would have seen the Hungarian bow in larger numbers in Bohemia.
Let’s say I’m not a fan of the worldwide worship of the Welsh warbow.

Even on Mary Rose were more than D shaped staves, there were also squared, eliptical or circular. This shape depends more on the type of wood, ash bows are often D shaped, hazel bows are D shaped too, but reverse, hornbeams are eliptical. And bend through handle is typical for longbow, at least historical, because its unused material, making the bow at least 20cm longer.

And I undestand why you do not want to see Welsh warbow everywhere, the thing is, shape of these bow is primarily given by the physics, and properities of wood than some fashion.

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I have to thank you for bringing the iceman Ötzi to my attention again; I quite enjoyed reading into his history and his unfinished yew bow stave (not bending through the handle … yet).
Also, you know the subject you’re talking about. I salute you for that.

They might well be able to but not all people are built the same, it’s all down to the induvidual build, and also what one is used to.

So yes I imagen children if being given a bow froma young age/on a regular basis would be able to pull 25lbs easily.

Whilst I can just about pull 30lbs, I strulggle to hold it and tire very quickly, not to mention I have a shoulder/neck muscle injury, sustained oddly from collapsping tale legs at work in a simillar manner as to how one would pull a bow and whilst it’s not a constant bother (mostly as we stoped using those tables) it can still flair up if I’m not careful…and I do love to move my neck more than a fraction of an inch either way and it not to hurt like hell.
Plus one of my arms also likes to partialy pop in and out of it’s socket on occasion.

I can see what you are saying but I can not I am not goign to risk messing myself up more, by pushing myself to hard to soon.

If it turns out can’t pull as heavy a weight as I would like then so be it, so long as I learn to shoot straight and can get up to or past ten arrows in a min then I will be happy.

Hello there,
I’d just like to say a few things about the differences between real archery and video games that I haven’t read about in this topic.
-first is : we have two eyes wich permit us to better estimate distances, and not to blind ourselves by holding the bow at eye hight. I hate it when in a video game your target is obliterate by my own bow.
-second : when it come to aiming, at close range (say less than 30 meters) some archery method permit you to just align the tip of the arrow and the target so no need for crosshair. But when it comes to long distance shot, when you are to caculate the curve trajectory of the arrow, it’s going to be a bit hard to do, specially if you’re aiming at a moving target. The hero is supposed to know how to use a bow (if the proper skills are chosen), we don’t.

  • and last thing, I’m not an experienced archer, correct me if I’m wrong, but when one draws a bow he always does it at its maximum, wich is from the hand to the corner of the eye, or mouth, straight arm, so the strenght of the blow only depends on the type of bow, the distance, and the trajectory, isn’t it? Of course when one does a quick draw the precision might suffer from it.

Well thank you, I think you know the subject very well too. I have to thank for my knowledge to that, I spend lot of time and shoot from many bows with two most excelent bowyers here in CZ. Sadly I have to admit, after speaking with one of them, I have to correct my opinion. In these years were bows anachronism in here, so chance to see them in battlefield was pretty low :frowning:

But i still want to see some nice bows in this game :slight_smile:

Are you sure? I played an archer in Skyrim for months and i had to adjust the aim when the target was far.

Why no love for crossbows :frowning:

From new Update today:

In the first place, we have the archery practically done, including most of the RPG stats connected with it and I dare say it’s that sophisticated we could put out an archery simulator :wink: The scripters then set up shooting of forest game, so you can set out hunting hare with your new bow and I gotta say anyone who manages to hit one of those bunnies is a sharpshooter. It really is awesome.

Link to the update
Video demonstration

I think we can be happy : )

i really like the way they are using some kind of procedural animation when picking things up. you can see it when henry picks up the apple, when the archers recover the arrows, and when the gamers move the game pieces.

Well, it doesn´t look so bad, but few things.

Wearing quiver at your back is nonsense. Wearing bow at your back is even bigger nonsense. Usually when you go to pick up your arrows from target, you´ll left bow at the point you´re shooting from, or take it with you in hand. When you´re carrying it around its usually unstringed and in some fabric casing. Yes, it take some time to take bow out from it and string it, but its realistic. I hope they´ll do something about it, bow isn´t ready to fire weapon like colt. If you know, you´ll use it in matter of half an hour, it´s no problem to string it before, but you can´t wear bow with string around all day long.

Quivers at back are second problem, even with 28" long arrows, it´s pretty stupid to take arrows from, and to put it back you have to be almost magician. Mostly were quivers worn at belt. I suppose that the guys from warhorse should try it.