Really nice gameplay of Kingdom Come

I’m just gonna share this video here, I think it deserves some views from fans. This guy narrates it almost like a TV documentary.


Great video. Thanks for sharing!

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Yep, great vid & great commentary :smiley:

Really nice walk-through. Now I’m more impatient for the next update.

Watching it, it seemed to me that the moon was far too large compared to the sun. They should be nearly identical in apparent size (and the moon be visible in the day sky at roughly sky brightness levels).

Very nice to see someone take a different path rather then going directly to the village, not to mention that the focus on details was very entertaining.

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I am OK with the visibility in the evening, but the seen size of the moon changes as also the distance among Moon and Earth does fluctuate and sometimes, the moon seems to me at least 1.5x bigger then the sun.

Maybe, but the important thing is that the moon is illuminated from the wrong side, haha

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This is the actual apparent size of Sol and Luna, when viewed at Perihelion/Aphelion and Perigee/Apogee: Any optical illusion that makes the low moon seem larger is purely in your mind, and a virtue of the increased ‘detail’ that surrounds it when near other objects when very low. It can be measured and seen to not change size at all from variations in elevation.


I could probably fall asleep listening to this video. Very relaxing.

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