Roe deer not spawning

O.k so I’ve just spent the past 2 and a half hours visiting every deer hunting spot I can find, killed well over 30 does and around 6 stags with everyone of them having red venison. Can anyone tell me if this is bugged or not because it’s starting to feel like live got more chance of finding a unicorn at this point

Roe deer usually aren’t around the Deer hunting spots AFAIK, you will mostly find does and stags around those. In the attached screenshot, I have marked for you (with exclamation marks, see below) some spots where I remember seeing Roe deer just around the Rattay-Neuhof area (you may have to ride around that area a little as they move around a bit). Usually, you can find them in / close to fields / meadows, especially close to the Talmberg forest. They are pretty common as well (and usually you will find 3 or 4 a go, so you have just been unlucky so far.)

Oh yeah, almost forgot, there are definitely Roe Deer in the pine tree forest in the area from the quest where you had to set up bird traps and collect bird cages with Nightingales.


I was checking the area you’ve marked west of rattay but not the others, I’ll give them a try. Thanks :+1:

Finally found some thanks :+1::grin: they were at the spot where you plant the bird cages.

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from my experience, roe deer are closer to the edge of forests, sometimes i see them even outside of it on the boundaries. so that’s where i look at those deer hunting spots.