I actually like kingdom come deliverance but this stupid fucking boss fight is giving me something about a thousand times over a headache. In the mission, I go through all the objectives, including killing the archers. This is because if I didn’t, which i tried after I kept dying to Runt by reloading an earlier save, it’ll make me lose due to loss of men. Because of this, I need to go and fight with them, which grants me a nice loss of health, even if I’m cheesing it and running away.
Anyways, when getting to the boss fight, I have no marigold dections at all, just some drinking water, bandages, and 3 apples. I did not know to bring any because I thought the fight would be fairly easy with a literal mini-army behind me. Since I wasn’t prepared, I ended up losing about over half my total health, despite being completely covered with quality armor for what is considered to be early to mid-game.
Getting to the point, I come to the boss fight health half depleted and bleeding. Keep in mind that my stats are also lowered because of this. Here are the following problems i have with this fight:
- No health indicator, so I don’t know where I am. This is because this “boss” most likely has more health than your average joe.
- Spam clinching, which most player are most likely NOT prepared for.
- Spam combo ( most likely heard this one before) isn’t much of a problem if you keep moving.
- Literally any tactics from that point on in the game, including the feint attacks will rarely or will not work on him.
My problem is that I am constantly left in a broken down state and am pushed in the boss fight in extremely unfair circumstances. I do NOT want to cheese this fight, but this entire thing is really prompting me to. I like this game, and currently have 35 or so in-game hours on it, and want to play it for much more. However, this game is really pushing my patience in terms of how many times my ass can get handed to me before I give up and just play something else.