Save in own Bed not working anymore?

I have been making sure to goto one of my beds to Sleep and guarantee my save. but today, my last save shows as 12:15 (now 14:04pm). Why wont its save when I sleep in my bed?

Try deleting some old saves. Sometimes it stops saving when your save slots all full

Thanks but I havn’t got the max saves yet.

Quite a concern as was trusting of the saving by bed approach, but as cant trust reluctant now to play the game and waste time. sadly will full time job, parent, etc, have limited time to play and not spare to re-play same main story over and over :frowning:

think I just have to wait until we get a patch fixing these issues.

is the saviour schnapps working for you?
how about bathhouses? they save your game, too

Thanks I try the baths, not tried that yet.

I’m from the Russian community. all these methods unfortunately do not work. I wrote today in tech support. I recommend that you do the same. if you do not talk about this problem, the developers will not solve it. with respect

Ok, yes seems to be a bigger issue
you can contact them using the following adress

I wrote today in tech support using the following adress , have not responded yet

yes I dont know if they even will respond to bugreports
they have so many emails right now that it can take some time
the more mails they get to a specific topic the faster they will try to fix it

The problem is that the Russian community is not moderated by tech support. You should write from your community in support of this bug. with respect