Saving and Lockpicking are how they are because there was no real beta testing

I backed this game in 2015 and myself and others were told we’d be able to test the game, provide feedback and contribute to the development of the game. But we never really had a chance to test the game. We saw just a barebones client that allowed you to run around a small area but you couldn’t test any of the systems. Had we been able to actually test the game we’d have certainly told them how absurd the lockpicking system (which is impossible for controllers) is and how asinine the save system is. But they had no interest in us testing the game. And now we’re dealing with the consequences. I suspect they will eventually get it right but all this crap at launch could have been avoided if they’d given backers the chance to test the game.

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I love both the save and lockpicking system, so I guess i’m happy you guys didn’t get a chance to casualize it =)


its not even about casualizing it, i hate casuals too but the lockpicking is impossible on controller even if you are super good at games, my brother and i have been gaming super hardcore for 30 years and on console controller its not doable. i dont mean we just play games, im talking about 12+ hours a day marathon gaming sessions for years and years and years. we are gods. but something designed and works on keyboard and mouse doesnt translate always to controllers.

I’m not talking about casualizing it. Pay attention. The lockpicking system is impossible for controllers whether you are on PC or console.

I guess I have a different definition of the word “impossible” then being i’ve been successful and happen to use a controller.

Is the phrase, “too difficult” potentially more in alignment - or is “impossible” the word you wish me to use in context of this post?

I’ve saw beta videos of the lockpicking anf it’s exactly the same as it’s now, so no, if the devs had it intended to be like this, then they did well in keeping it this way.

As for saving, do we need yet another topic crying about it? Please, be polite and mature, and use one of the big topics, we don’t need the forum flooded by the same thing.

Lockpicking is awesome there is nothing wrong with it…

Why is everyone complaining?

The save system is gimmicking but ends up just annoying you and wasting time


To be fair i thought the same of the lockpicking system when i started the game, i’ve always liked the more thief/stealth gameplay and being able to lockpick, pickpocket etc. is what makes the game playable for me… But even though at first the lockpicking seems impossible and can be frustrated (and yes, almost broke my controller because i thought the game that i paid full price for and pre-ordered didn’t support the playstyle that i like) After ragequitting, the second day when i picked it up again it was pretty easy and as you level up you’ll find yourself breezing through even the hard locks like they’re nothing.

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Amusing to watch people complaining about casualizing lockpicking. Why don’t you go lockpick in real life? Why are you lockpicking in a game?

Even though i’ve already stated that i like the lockpicking system and i’d hate it if they changed it, comparing the game to real life is a very weak argument, games sacrifice being lifelike for the sake of fun and that’s neither bad nor a point to argue about. But at the same time the lockpicking system doesn’t need to change because some people that clearly haven’t tried find it hard, it gets easier with practice as it should but most people are used to games that take them by their hand and treat them like babies or like the main character is a master at every aspect of life.

I think some people are just finding it refreshing that the system isn’t super simple and quickly/easily gamed.

For all the flaws in this game, the saving and lockpicking are done right imo.

I wasn’t responding to you Lov1nn.

I know, and i hope you didn’t see my comment as an attack but i can comment to something you’ve said even if it wasn’t directed at me

No worries. I was just pointing out the absurdity of the people complaining about “casualizing”.

I worry that the word “casualize” has taken on so many different meanings and many people take it to be a “insult” these days.

I, personally, used it in the sense of being the opposite of hardcore. For example, when Dark Souls made it easier to create groups in DS3 via multiple phantoms, I decried such as a casualization of the genre. I wasn’t insulting people that enjoyed it, simply noting the increased ease.

Most games have a casual saving system that allows for people to play the game at any pace, for any amount of time and always be able to keep their progress or create a new checkpoint before engaging a tough enemy.

This game (thankfully) has a much more strict saving system that is far less casual than most games.

The lockpicking isn’t connected to “casualization” imo. I just like difficult/challenging systems in games compared to “hit X if you have the right skill level”.

It isn’t absurd to claim that changing the system for saves to be more infinite or on demand would be effectively casualizing the game, as you’d be increasing the ability to play the game more casually…

I was having trouble lockpicking untill i sat down at the millers and practiced. Now i can pop any lock. Its gotten to the point where it feels to easy.

I am on xbox and i use a controller.