Savior Schnapps not working

Every time I try to save with savior schnapps, it’s not there when I come back to load it. Is there a max number of save spots? Help!

the savior schnaps has to be in your inventory, not in your horse. If all save spots are used, it will ask u to delete one.
If u click at Load Game you can see a flask at the disc from savior Schnaps saves.

The same for me, it worked for me the first time i used it, next time it said “Game saved”, but when i tried to load it, there was still only one save with a bottle icon, the old one. I tried again, same thing, schnapps is consumed, character is getting drunk, but save does not appear. PS4.

There are like 5 or 6 slots for saves via snapps. They have a different colour when loading then the auto saves.
When you load, you do have access to the auto saves? Only the snapp saves don’t show up?
And the new quit and save option. This is yet another colour slot. Does this work?

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Yep delete older ones worked for me. The game should (but doesn’t) prompt overwrite when you save imho. Now every time i save i double check if it actually saved, and i delete old saves whenever it doesn’t. The game is quite alpha

Ive deleted old ones but it is still hit or miss most of the time. This problem DEFINITELY needs addressed. Also I’m really let down that there are no open world castle seige options or no ability to command your own troops. Also, why is Henry the only person in this game that rides a horse? I just think they rushed this game and didn’t finish it.

Yes, they are all different color and i see them all, the problem is that schnapps working like 50% of the times, i can confirm that sometimes if i play further and drink it again, it will eventually work. I don’t have to delete old saves.

I have another question about saves. I missed one trophy to save Ginger, after i completed the main story i decided to load the quest with ginger, and realized that save file at the start of the quest is not there, in fact i miss 4-5 main quest start saves. Is this intentional? Some main quests have no save at start?
(Playing on PS4 gave v1.3)

Don’t know. Should think every quest gets a autosave. Quite sure the game saves before you get set of to Nuehof.

That is what i thought, but i cannot find that quest start save, well. not a big deal in this case, i have save start for previous one. But the fact that saves are disappearing is disturbing.