Shop: signed poster?

First of all: Conngrats to your successful Kickstarter!

So as far as I know you didn’t have any addon system during the campaign. I would very much like to have my poster signed but doubling my already doubled pledge wasn’t feasible for me (I upgraded from Baron to Earl, forum may still show Baron /edit: or even Knight). It would be cool if addons like that would be available through the shop.

It would also be nice to be able to upgrade ones pledge later, but I guess you’re already planning this since you’ve announced that pledging will still be possible after the campaign has ended. But to be honest I don’t care much about silver coins and action figures. I prefer your very own signatures above any profane goods. :wink:

TL/DR: Will you be able to get a signed poster through the shop without having the proper tier?
The question may also apply to other items.


I’d also be interested in hearing if it will be possible to upgrade an original Kickstarter pledge through PayPal.

If wanting to differentiate original KS backers + topped up original backers from completely new post KS-ers maybe a small icon under the title name (Knight/Baron/Viscount etc.) could be used?

I would also love one.

Yes, I also hope they will find a way for the shop to function as both pre-orders for the new backers and pledge-upgrades for the Kickstarters. Some other Kickstarter projects were able to organize such a thing, and it was both profitable for them and useful for the supporters.

But still some items should be left Kickstarter-exclusives - like the swords and maybe Alpha-accesses. On the contrary, some other items (posters, coins etc.) could be sold as separate items, without a certain kind of obligatory game purchase, so we can just add them to our current pledge.