Should I get Xbox One or PC version?

I am definitely going to buy this game based on what I have seen so far. The question is: Xbox One S or PC? My processor may be a bottleneck, since it is a i5-4670 3.40Ghz that is a few years old now. Any suggestions? I have 16Gb RAM and a Nvidia 1060. Should be able to run this I suppose.

The reason I am asking is because of an overheat warning I get from my processor when I try to play Rainbow Six Siege. Really cool game, but the alarm sound is worrying me. Is my PC in need of a new CPU cooler or a bigger upgrade? PC wizards, advice is appreciated. Maybe it’s just R6 Siege that is the problem and not other titles?

I am curious to hear opinions on KC:D, not trying to start a console vs. PC argument. Both are good as long as you can run it. How would the controller fare vs. KB+M for example?

Stock coolers are generally barely adequate (okay for general usage, not for continual running at full speed, nor for overclocking).
Also worth checking are the cable runs inside the case and clearing dust bunnies from the vents and fans.

The processor is significantly better than a 2500. So you should be okay there once you resolve any thermal issues.
The 1060 is of similar performance to the 970 I use with few problems.

I’d definitely go for the PC version, especially if you have any interest in mods down the line.

Don’t worry. Your pc is going above recommended requirements.

clean ur pc and change thermal paste. Or easier method is, Give pc to technician and say him that you want him to fix temperature problems.

AntoniusMonk, You have the exact same specs as I do and I have no problems playing any game I own. No framerate drops, no freezes and no problems while playing all the games in ultra settings either. I do have 4 fans in my customized PC. With that said, I will be upgrading to an I core 7 and a 1080 processor later this year. A computer needs to be upgraded around every 3 years, as that’s the price we must pay, while demanding better quality graphics and mechanics.
