Siege Quest Bug?(Spoıler Alert)

Quartermaster: get 0/200 meat.

I need to complete every optional quest of siege to get the talmberger achievement. When i brıng 200 meat and complete the quartermaster meat missıon same mıssıon starts agaın. ı brıng hım 200 meat more than 10 tımes but every tıme same thıng happens. that optıonal quest starts over and over agaın. ı watched some vıdeos from ınternet and ı realızed that, on the vıdeos ı watched quartermaster wants 30 meat from the players. so ı am thınkıng about that, my game ıs bugged?
any suggestıons?


same here. had no problem doing it before the 1.5 patch. now it infinitly loops this 200 meat task.
maybe the reason is, that i killed andrew in the gallow brothers quest. previously he would respawn, so that you can do the beer task.

I turned in 200 meat, then the optional objective restarted itself but said 160/200 meat. I have no option to actually speak to him.

Same thing is happening to me. Andrew is alive for me, got the beer from him. Really frusterating.

same here. with 1.4.3 it was no problem
with 1.5 the meat quest loops xxx/200

You guys… honestly. In the dialogue they say they appreciate more supplies. Amazing you couldn’t work out there repeated quests! But yeah, must be a bug right? :joy:

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Bringing additional meat shouldnt have to come in a lot of 200

Similar thing happened with Bernard and potions

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Yeah, stumbled at it myself. But i got an achievement if i bring meat when there are no other tasks left - as a final task.

I just saw me too, even though I still have the sidequest open.

Not a bug dudeee

A bug, it should not repeat itself infinetely, or soldiers just got fat and lazy and cannot stand up for the siege. They have only one beer keg for christ sake! =)

Works not for me :frowning:

Having the same problem :(. I brought over 1000 meat now - just thinking “Well, War makes you Hungry.” I would love to know a fix so I can get the Talmberg. In my scenario, Andrew swings on a pole outside the Inn, but I am never prompted by the Quartermaster to get BEER at all.

is it known that he eventually stops asking for meat? are we sure its a bug?

Same here, buy I continued with the quest.

same here too…
this are more BUGS not only one…
the first Bug is the infinte repeating about the meat request…
the second one is that the quartemaster doesn´t ask me about the Beer. (so whitout that no achievement).
for sure I have Andy hang in the Inn … but that should not be a problem… I can for example trade with the barkeeper for the Beer or so… I mean if that is a programming BUG or a tech Bug or just a thinking one is for me as a END customer irrelevant. Pls Fix that Warhorse… and apropous ANDY´s Hanging quest. Why is there also not possible to end the quest with a 3rd option to not deliver anyone ?


P.S. : 3rd BUG is that after making the 60 potions for Cpt. Bernard and speak with him is that I had get the text to deliver him the potions , he takes them (only in text and end the quest normally but… after that when i opened up my inventory the 60 potions are still there… ) Check that too because other players doesn´t get the Text option to deliver him the potions too… I speak here only for my experience with this Quest…


So was there any solution for the “tell the quartermaster about the beer” quest?

I can only “Pick Pocket” the quartermaster.
I can not talk to him and tell him I got the beer.