Sir Radzig's Helmet --- I Want it

Man oh Man i have been playing and restarting KCD for about 2 months now slowly savoring this game.

Got to be top 10 games of all time for me personally.

Had a feeling i got long ago in Baldurs Gate, just wandering around soaking in the sights and sounds.

Just got to see this beauty;

I soooo badly want to be able to wear this helmet.

Best looking helmet by far.

Hope we can get it an update or DLC or something!


It is a nice helmet. I have only seen it on him, but that means it is in the game.

I would still prefer a more polished and decorated version of the houndskull :slight_smile:


If it is the game then it must be in a game file that describes his gear. Need to find that list.
Then it could be copied to an equipment list for the player.
I know you can get his hood from chests in lower Ratty.

@longshot300mag His armour is all static, meaning all one piece, and KC:D utilizes a 16 slot system for equipment, so all his armour cannot be equipped. You’d have to fully mod each piece individually in order to use it.