SJWs attack KCD. I announce my stand against SJW

It was just brought to my attention that the “SJW” community are attacking “KCD” (for whatever reason they could find as always). And I am furious.

KCD is an awesome game. Bravely done and well balanced with actual in-game realism, (real) history, (real?) story, complex quests, and last but not least some well balanced compromises not to make it into a “Postal” or “Hotline Miami” game.

If the game developers of “KCD” are bowing to these politically obedient non-thinkers (the “SJWs” community) I will officially withdraw any further support of the game. That being sad, I am a kick starter entitled to hard copies of all episodes, those I will send back by mail if the agenda of “SWJs” are implemented into “KCD” (the first box arrived just fine btw, thank you Devs for an excellent game and well organized production & organization. Worth every penny).

The current concept of “SJW” is dangerous and I will under no circumstances support it or be a part of any result they push for. The concept is infested with “political correctness” that, in the case for “KCD” are faced with on certain youtube videos, more tends to “erase” history rather then remind us of it.

Should we “re-paint” “Mona-Lisa” as black to? And make her transgender? F***g Stid!

I hope I have made myself clear.


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Sorry but what is “SJW”, Social Justice Warriors?

Ha while I admire your gusto.

That’s old news. They didn’t bend the knee to the gimpy sjw inquisition. In fact they stood firm and flew in the face it. The success of the game lead to many sjw media outlets that tried to sully the game for their agenda, being forced to swallow a bag a humble dicks pie.

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Most of their vitriol was at Daniel for his stand on “gamergate”. They can’t seem to get past that.
The most ridiculous statement they made was there was no “people of color” or female player. Totally ignorant of history and of the region in the 15th century.

Old news, this was an issue before and around the time of release

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Really, announce what you want with your cryptic SJW.
Whatever shity game it is! Ntwywpowbl
Next time write your whole post only with beginning letters

The game was released in Feb. It’s Sept. There’s plenty of evidence to make a non-conditional assessment. Your post seems lazy or worse