Skip the intro?

Now that I’ve seen the intro a couple of times, how can it be skipped ?

You only can skip the intro, when the game is finish with loading the game in the background


Once you see the naked but in the intro you can skip it by hitting the spacebar. But remember, you must watch the naked but first :wink:

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You can tab out, and it will stop playing, but it still needs to load in the background. Once enough time has passed, you will be able to tab back, and the press enter to continue prompt will be there, and you won’t have to listen to the whole thing. While tabbed out, the intro pauses. Not perfect, but at least you don’t have to hear it. Alternatively, mute, and then unmute. Either way, it needs that time to load, and can only be skipped once the prompt is up.

[quote=“Phaidon, post:4, topic:29432”]
Once you see the naked but in the intro you can skip it[/quote]

My SSD is obviously faster than yours. I can skip it long before then.

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Who knows, who knows :joy::wink:

I know. I tested it. If I leave mine running, it finishes loading at “long and prosperous reign.” If you tab out, the intro pauses, but the game continues loading in the background.

K, your SSD won :+1:t2::speak_no_evil:

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You could probably get it to load faster from a RAM drive, but the time to set that up probably negates any time saved skipping the intro.

in case this is still relevant for someone: i simply tried what the description in here says (you’ll just have a black screen when starting the game, but end up in mainmenu automatically after loading is done) i guess if you ever use steam to verify the gamedata it will be undone though