Skyrim ENDERAL (total conversion - free "mod")


Enderal - Launch Trailer (German, with English subtitles)

Enderal (to be released July 1-3 of 2016 - (NOW!) – German version

English version some weeks later is a total conversion for TES V: Skyrim: a game modification that is set in its own world with its own landscape, lore and story. It offers an immersive open world, all for the player to explore, overhauled skill systems and gameplay mechanics and a dark, psychological storyline with believable characters.
Enderal is free and can be played by anyone owning a legal copy of TES V: Skyrim. (No DLCs are necessary.) It is developed non-commercially by SureAI, the team behind the renowned Oblivion mod “Nehrim: At Fate´s Edge” (and various other projects).


  • An open world with its own lore and hand-crafted, detailed and diverse landscapes (desert, heathlands, forests, jungles, mountains and more)
  • An unconventional story with psychological and philosophical undercurrents German and English localizations, both fully voiced by dozens of speakers, many with a professional background
  • Multi-faceted, believable characters with own ambitions and motivations
  • Overhauled gameplay with experience points, survival mechanics and hard, challenging combat
  • An overhauled skill system with classes and new special abilities
  • A housing system allowing the player to design their own homes
  • 30 to 100 hours of expected playtime

ENDERAL Gameplay German #1 Let’s Play Die Trümmer der Ordnung Deutsch


You played?

EDIT: Has anyone played this :smile: I’m intrigued.

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I have installed and started a new game. Looks promising. I will make a deeper look. :slight_smile:


Keep us informed mate! :wink:

A really nice mod.
But why are they using the Gothic skillsystem?
Smashing a lot of bandidts skulls, to become a better tradesman doesn’t make much sense.

I have been following this mod for quite some time, so good that English version is close now. I know German version is out, and I had 3 years off German in school but… when atleast 50% off that time was skipping those clases then… I fear my German skill is below basic… :stuck_out_tongue:

At Gamestar, a gaming magazine, they talked also about the translaation and that not everything is translated one o one. They liked to translate more the meaning, so the english version would sound more natural to a english speaker. Hope it works. :slight_smile:

Ten hours played.
Twenty Euros paid.(donated!)

Maybe Skyrim is bigger, but Endeal is greater. (so far!)

Makes fun! Looks like I have 50 or more hours to play… :smile:


Good to hear man :wink:

So what are the biggest things for you that are making the gameplay experience better? Like, different gameplay mechanics, or character and skill progression, combat etc? What are the standouts for you

I’m looking forward to the English version dropping so I can give it a go :smiley:

The story is far better designed then in Skyrim and of course the level of detail given to world is huge. The wold isn’t filled with auto-generated content like Skyrim - all is hand made. There is not only a nordic climate setting, there are several different climate zones and several different world zones with different setting.
For the ones who play it in German (like me) it has also superior voice over acting. this may result in the fact , that the game was designed in German. So there maybe some drawbacks in the English voice over due to word jokes or similar not translating well into English …


Exploration, Quests, Music/Voices!

The world is new and fresh. Not “only” the landscape, also the story, “history” and the story behind (love to read the books!)
The quest are amazing and sometimes unpredictable. :smile:

It´s a combination between Skyrim, Gothic and Witcher. It works for me… good?! To early for a conclusion. :wink:

What works good:
The lancher/updater!!!

What´s not so good:
Hmm, … nothing just

… some CTD (save often!) :slight_smile:
… some bugs. Amazingly the same like in KCD > Attacked people(by incident… tryed telekinetic spell), stopped by guard (in dialog), killed by other guards and people in the meantime. :blush:

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nice… works for me too!! haha

I’d probably rather play it native anyway and just use English subs. Might help me pick up some German along the way too :smiley: So be nice to see some subs released potentially before the full English re-dub happens

I’ve been working my way through Skyrim atm, and while I do enjoy the game, there was a great deal not great about it. Really looking forward to giving Enderal a go!

English version is out now


I can’t agree with that. How can a Game, which you say it’s an combination out of Skyrim, Gothic and Witcher be greater as Skyrim, due the fact it makes the Game too different. However i would agree with you if you say its an Amazing mod. But better? I sorry can’t agree with that. Enderal is compared to Skyrim way more Linear and Story oriented, while Skyrim i write my own Story due the Freedom i get.

Maybe we have different tastes.
I like the dark and violent story of Enderal.
Story at Skyrim? :slight_smile:

Yes, you can write your own story in Skyrim.
You can be everyone and everything, but most of the content is generic and repeated.
For me is this boring after a while.

It´s not too different! But in most cases it´s better than plain Skyrim.
It has a better grafic, Better Speakers, a wonderful handmade world, rememberable characters and quests.
And amazing bugs. :smile:
It´s more like KCD…:wink:

So just a small question, how many hours do people have in Enderal here sofar? And what is your opinions?

Me myself I have like 6.5hours, just play it a few times speccially now when I want to play skyrim again but decided to wait for special edition, since I get it for free, before start on skyrim again…

80 or more :smiley:!
I like it.:blush: It’s great!

80+hours so guess you are done with the main story then?.. So how much is there to do after the main story, like in Skyrim you have thiefes guild, the companions, dark brotherhood etc. But you don’t have stuff like that in Enderal right?

Yes I finished the game.


It is storydriven and sometimes you have companions.

At the end you get a warning to finish open quests or to start the “endgame”.
There are two endings. AND there is not a classic happy end. Not everyone is happy with this… but I like it.:blush:
The story is sometimes very dark!!! And most of your companions will not survive… really hard stuff!:smiling_imp: