So then, after watching a very long video for the very short answer to the question…
The conclusion is no Warhorse weren’t racist in their approach, but some people believe it doesn’t matter how accurate they believe they were being they should include non-caucasians anyway, because maybe they were there.
This topic has been done to death here and many other places already, personally I feel that any validity the argument has is mostly drowned out by the extremes from both sides, which is sad because it moves the focus away from the many people still suffering today because of their gender, race, sexuality etc. etc. but that shouldn’t mean that an artform is attacked because it doesn’t meat a certain agenda.
As for this thread, we’ve already learned that the voices of the extreme on both sides drown out the input of the more balanced and the youtube video has comments available so that would be an appropriate place to address the issues the specific video raises, so I will close this thread and delete any replies that appeared before my reply.
The above is all my own personal opinions, I’m not currently employed by Warhorse Studios.