SOLVED - Can't start Amorous Adventures Quest with Hans Capon [small spoiler]

I have some issues with this newest DLC. I can’t begin the amorous adventures of bold Sir Hans Capon quest nor end the epilogue quest. I finally reached the epilogue after ending the main story line. After talking to everyone in the epilogue quest in Rattays upper castle the quest objective told me to talk to Hans Capon. As I wanted to start the amorous adventures quest and finish a few smaller quests first I told him that I wasn’t ready yet and left Rattay to finish what I wanted to finish.

Now I can’t find Capon anywhere. He seems to be gone. As a result I can’t start the amorous adventures quest. The quest-log for Epilogue-quest is telling me that I shall wait until Capons amorous adventure is finished. So I also can’t finish the epilogue quest. Besides there is no golden star on the map anywhere either. I recognized this star at Capons map location before beginning the final part of the main storyline. Now it isn’t showing up anywhere.

Maybe someone has a clue or could look into this?

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In my game Hans goes to the camp by the side of the road just north of Neuhof and waits there.

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I’m having the exact same problem. I’ll try Myst’s tip - but this has been frustrating. Excited about the DLC, if only I can get it started.

Myst has been totally right. Hans Capon was at the location at the road leading to the eastern border of the map just north of Neuhof. I took a screenshot of that location: