Fuck you. Sorry, a bit mean there, but I have to say it. Sadly text does not convey that in a tone both of admiration and anger.
You did a fucking cliffhanger. I have waited for three years for this game to come out. And jesus tap-dancing christ, you left me on a cliffhanger! That is the most bloody frustrating thing ever. And I don’t even know how or when the rest of the story is even planned! Like, seriously. I cried tears of joy and rage when the credits first rolled. The after credits stuff and the fact I can keep playing made me happier, though. Good job on that scene.
But, I’m not permanently angry at you guys. Infact, I absolutely love your game. I have not had much sleep since I got it the day after it came out. You hooked me from the logo screen, that isn’t easy to do these days. Hell, I haven’t played a video game more then six hours, two days in a row, since Fallout 4 came out. And even then the experience was mostly a let down and lacked any attachment in the end.
I first found out about this game in 2015. My second year working at a renaissance festivals here in the USA, as a member of their main casting group. I’ve watched this game with wide-eyed interest from that day. Hoping, waiting, praying. Hell, the fact my patience ran out a year ago is why I completed a childhood dream of mine. I’ve fought steel on steel in a fully armored duel, multiple times and will continue with that path. Hell, the helm in my profile picture has more dings and scrapes then if Henry’s helm went to 0% on the condition.
You’ve inspired me, Warhorse. You’ve entrapped me in your story(that you better damn finish, for the love of all that is noble and chivalrous) and on top of that, you put a real combat system in. I feel like I’m actually going from position to position, combo to combo, move to move. Its bloody brutal and brilliant and fun.
And your setting. It isn’t my favorite part of the middle ages. It isn’t even an area I know much about event wise. But, I do know my medieval history up till 1456. How everything is suppose to be, how people acted, were and lived. You did a damn good job. Far better then any video game I have seen or played in my life.
All this praise aside, your game isn’t perfect. Even the setting has a few things you can nitpick here and there. Same with the story, dialogue, ect. So, don’t get to big a head. You haven’t made the perfect RPG. You haven’t even finished the story you guys set out to give us yet. You have a ton of bugs and a ton of unhappy people(and whiny) to deal with.
I’ve rambled long enough, so I’ll conclude this here. Thank you and sod off, at the same time. You gave me a roller coaster of a game that I love to bits. And if any of you devs and people who made this game possible read all this, even the backers… Thank you. I really do appreciate what you’ve created.
A crazy guy with a helmet hat.
PS. If you read all of this, thank you again. I know I’m long winded.