Dear All,
One week ago i buy the Baron Tier digital. I activate the code on Steam, the istallation worked since 99% than stop and never restart.
What can i do?
Dear All,
One week ago i buy the Baron Tier digital. I activate the code on Steam, the istallation worked since 99% than stop and never restart.
What can i do?
Have you tried to deinstall and reinstall again?
Have checked at steam the programm(data files)?
Yes i tried to deinstall and reinstall and i checked steam…but doesn’t work again, again the same problem
I found this solution:
I noticed that some files and folders within the install directory were read-only.
So my solution was: right-click on the batman (KCD in this case) folder within steam\steamapps\common, select properties and then untick the read-only box, then apply to all subfolders (the default option). Upon checking steam, the update had finally been completed!
If this does not work, look here. There is even more suggestions.
Good luck!!
Thank you guys for the reply!!