Story about Civilan AI and lack of a Bailif

So I asked myself, bored because the battle of the Church is bugged to fucking hell. “What would happen if I killed a civilan?” So I started in Mehorjoed, or however its said. I killed one person, the town just went on like normal. So I killed another one. Same thing, no response. This time I killed someone in plain view of another. They just screamed “ALARM, ALARM!” and nothing happend. So I cut him in pieces. Killed about the HALF of civilan population in Mehrojoed, THEN about 3 guys came from the Army camp came down the road to reprehend me. The best part was when the Army guys talked to me they basically said, “Yeah im gunna need you to stop that” I couldnt help but laughing my ass off, And I actually intimidated the guard to lowering my bounty. Which I thought was pretty funny because I killed about half the town. In short, the Civilian AI needs HEAVY WORK, and why the hell isnt there a Bailif in Merhojoed? Also, if the players has committed crimes serious enough, the AI Police should kill on sight.

You know that you play almost year old beta? Things are most likely completely different in dev branch now.

Crime system is not only completely different but is constantly a subject to many tweaks and fixes.

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