So I love this game - truly.
I am however stuck on the Kings silver quest and cant advance…
I went to the mine - talked with the overseer dude and went into the mine where I was then attacked. I ran like a bitch and went back to Feyfar. told him what happened - he then said thanks and it ended. I didnt get a reward and I cant get anything from him, Radzig or anyone else regarding this quest. I know the next in line should be “All that Glisters” or something like that.
my issue is - when it happened I thought none of it and just thought I had to advance thru some side quests etc. so I went on and played 10 hours to where now, I am 10 hours ahead and still stuck on the same quest… I have looked here and went to the Charcoal camp, went back into the mines went to the inn in sasau looking for that knight. nothing…
I just cant bear if the only way to “fix” it is to reload a 10 hour old save… I have Shadowmere horse now, 50k groschen, Pryzby completedly built, lvl 18 and most skills 15+.