Swap PC version for PS4

Hi guys, i backed this project on PC and I d prefer to get it on PS4. Support team can’t do anything cause orders are calculate and limited so they suggested me to try switching with some others client. So if anyone is interest let me know please!!! Have fun everyone!!

Salut tlm j ai supporter le projet sur PC et je prefererais l avoir sur PS4, l equipe de support ne peut rien faire puisque les commandes sont limites. Ils m ont donc suggerer d echanger ma version avec qq1 qui serait interesser donc faites le moi savoir si tel est le cas. Merci et amusez vous!

I am in the same boat. Spent $60 five years ago, now stuck with a game I can’t use. Will trade pc for PS4. So angry with warhorse studios for their nonchalant attitude in their emails regarding t0his issue. The longer this goes, the more disappointed I am with Warhorse Studios