Tables cannot be loaded

im not sure i did anything to the files but i have reinstalled the game twice and also rebooted my pc and the game still will not open it just says tables cannot be loaded i just bought the dlc i cant even play it pls help, thank you

Please net a screenshot of the error message.

(Sometimes the font used by a system when giving critical feedback can tell us a whole lot)…

Great first post- needs more story (or else peeps cant say ‘cool story bro’)

When does the error flash up?
‘Not sure if I changed files’; be honest!
If youve tinkered with mods or even brough up KCD folder in explorer then chance of ‘changing files’ goes up (and ‘we’ the community troubleshoot accordingly), vs if youve never clicked on the game outside of steam frontend (files are untouched).

Is the pc a multiuser machine? Are other users (running steam) using it…
(Pissing into wind imagining scenario of user running brothers steam account on alt log in and an unauthorused dlc not registering properly etc)

Short: more info might prove valuable